WorkTech Policies

This stage is part of the GovTech Summit: the event on innovation in global policies, a meeting point to explore the synergies between technology, governance, and innovation.
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Hosting della sala

13 jun 14:20 - 15:00
40 min
Moderator: Nico Perrone
This panel highlights the pivotal role of regional administrations in fostering local economic development through innovative policies and strategies. It aims to discuss best practices and tools to create a conducive environment for both the establishment and growth of businesses, emphasizing digitalization and international competitiveness. Additionally, it will focus on supporting businesses in transitioning towards digital technologies and ecological sustainability. Measures to enhance SME competitiveness, particularly through projects combining digital innovation and sustainability, will be explored.
13 jun 17:00 - 17:20
20 min
This panel will explore the effectiveness of "Work from Italy" and the reduced workweek, analyzing their impact on employee productivity and well-being. Case studies and research evaluating benefits and challenges will be discussed, with a focus on supportive policies and implications for the Italian labor market.
13 jun 18:00 - 18:40
40 min
Moderator: Andrea Ivan Baldassarre
The panel will analyze the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and the world of work, focusing on the effects of generative AI on the employment market and new digital professions. It will examine how AI is transforming in-demand skills and creating new challenges and opportunities for workers and businesses. Legislative implications will be considered, including data protection, algorithm liability, and workers' rights. The goal is to provide a comprehensive view of the effects of generative AI, promoting a discussion of the policies needed for an equitable transition to a digitized work future.
15 jun 09:20 - 10:00
40 min
Moderator and Speaker: Alessio Crisantemi
In collaboration with
The panel will explore the impact of e-sports on the job market, discussing new opportunities in event management, multimedia production and digital marketing. Career challenges and prospects will be explored, as well as ethical and social implications such as mental health and equitable access in the industry.

15 jun 10:20 - 11:00
40 min
Moderators: Francesca Cavecchia e Samanta Giuliani 

In collaboration with ADCI
The panel will examine the important role of artificial intelligence (AI) in advertising, analyzing how it has transformed the industry and predictions for the future of creative work. It will discuss how AI is changing the creation of advertising content and influencing the ways companies interact with their target audiences. The goal is to explore future opportunities and challenges in the creative job market. Experts and innovators will reflect on the impact of digital innovation and the importance of adapting to remain competitive in the communications industry.
15 jun 13:40 - 14:20
40 min
Moderator: Alessandro Mossini

In collaboration with CONI Emilia-Romagna

The talk examines how sports and e-sports can foster social togetherness in an era of increasing isolation. Based on the research “The Social Impact of Sports and E-Sports,” the talk explores how these activities promote interaction and cohesion among individuals from diverse backgrounds. Through case studies and experts, the positive impact on sociality and community well-being is highlighted, showing concrete examples of breaking down cultural and social barriers. Participants will reflect on new ways of connection and inclusiveness in a digitized reality.
15 jun 14:40 - 15:20
40 min
Moderator: Kevin Carboni

The panel will explore the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in human resources, discussing its impact on business decision-making processes such as personnel selection and development, performance management, and workforce planning. Ethical issues, data privacy, and transparency in the use of AI in HR decisions will also be addressed. The goal is to delve into how AI can be used effectively and responsibly in the HR context.