WorkTech Policies

Room Hosting

13 jun 08:30

Apertura & Accreditamento // Welcoming & Accreditation

14 jun 08:30

Apertura & Accreditamento // Welcoming & Accreditation

15 jun 08:30

Apertura & Accreditamento // Welcoming & Accreditation

13 jun 14:20 - 15:00
40 min
Moderator: Nico Perrone
This panel highlights the pivotal role of regional administrations in fostering local economic development through innovative policies and strategies. It aims to discuss best practices and tools to create a conducive environment for both the establishment and growth of businesses, emphasizing digitalization and international competitiveness. Additionally, it will focus on supporting businesses in transitioning towards digital technologies and ecological sustainability. Measures to enhance SME competitiveness, particularly through projects combining digital innovation and sustainability, will be explored.
13 jun 17:00 - 17:20
20 min
This panel will explore the effectiveness of "Work from Italy" and the reduced workweek, analyzing their impact on employee productivity and well-being. Case studies and research evaluating benefits and challenges will be discussed, with a focus on supportive policies and implications for the Italian labor market.