Italy, EU and Global Diplomacy

This stage is part of the GovTech Summit: the event on innovation in global policies, a meeting point to explore the synergies between technology, governance, and innovation.
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13 jun 12:50 - 13:30
40 min
Moderator and Speaker: Vincenzo Tiani

This panel discussion delves into the expanding role of biometric technologies, which have moved beyond simple applications like smartphone security to become central in extensive surveillance networks. It highlights the critical privacy and human rights issues that arise as these technologies are increasingly embedded in everyday life. The conversation will cover the ethical challenges, regulatory frameworks, and future implications of biometric data use, emphasizing the need for balanced advancement that respects individual privacy and prevents potential misuse. 
13 jun 14:20 - 15:00
40 min
 Moderator: Antonello Barone

The panel will explore the critical role of digital innovation and educational technologies (Edutech) in the future of higher education. It will discuss how universities must evolve to meet the needs of modern students and the challenges of a rapidly changing world. Rectors and representatives from prestigious Italian universities will assess Edutech's contribution to scientific research, facilitating collaboration and data access. The event aims to outline strategies for maximizing the potential of digital innovation in academia, with a focus on the application of artificial intelligence.
13 jun 17:00 - 17:40
40 min
Moderator: Camilla Rangoni
The panel will explore how new technologies can accelerate the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups. Policies for emerging technologies and support available to facilitate international expansion of SMEs will be discussed. Examples of innovative ecosystems and development strategies to foster the global growth of startups will be presented, highlighting synergies between innovation and internationalization.
13 jun 18:00 - 18:40
40 min
Moderator: Nico Perrone

In an era of rapid urbanization, the integration of AI and emerging technologies is transforming city management. This panel will explore how municipalities utilize these technologies to improve urban efficiency, safety, and quality of life. Discussions will focus on AI applications in areas like waste management, public transport, and urban planning. Additionally, the panel will tackle ethical, privacy, and security challenges in technology implementation. Through dialogue between public administrators and tech leaders, the event aims to uncover the transformative potential of AI in urban development.
14 jun 12:20 - 13:00
40 min
Moderator and speaker: Luca De Biase
On March 13, 2024, the EU introduced a law to regulate AI, protecting citizens' rights. The panel will discuss the impact on security and defense, with restrictions on real-time biometric cameras and a ban on predictive justice. The challenges, opportunities, and geopolitical consequences of this regulation will be examined.
14 jun 15:00 - 15:40
40 min
Modera: Kevin Carboni

In collaboration with Associazione di Amicizia Italia-Brasile and UlaBianca

Recife, thanks to its natural port, is the main city in the Northeast region of Brazil. It is renowned for its rich historical and cultural heritage, solid industrial base, and significant academic presence. In recent years, Recife has emerged as an innovation hub, particularly in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT), attracting top talents and multinational companies in the sector.  This panel aims to open a dialogue between Italy and Brazil in order to promote the exchange of best practices in the field of innovation. The goal is to strengthen collaboration between institutions in both countries, and to foster growth and development in their respective regions. Topics of discussion will include: advanced training in ICT, strategies for attracting talent and investment, and the role of academic and industrial institutions in building innovative ecosystems. In order to stimulate further dialogue, the panel will explore how Recife's success stories can inspire new collaborative initiatives between Brazil and Italy.
14 jun 17:50 - 18:20
30 min
Moderator: Kevin Carboni

Technological innovation is fundamental to the economic future, requiring effective collaboration between finance and public policy. This talk will explore how financial institutions and government policies can come together to support and accelerate the adoption of advanced technologies. Legislative initiatives and budgetary policies aimed at fostering innovation will be discussed, along with national economic strategies to boost technological growth. In addition, the role of the European Investment Bank (EIB) in providing funding opportunities and solutions to support innovative companies will be examined. The talk will provide an overview of the synergies needed between finance, EIB and public policies to create an ecosystem conducive to technological innovation and economic progress.