The stage hosts round tables, debates, and the Festival's community coming together to discuss topics that have always been close to the heart of WMF. Discussions will therefore alternate between newsletters, new digital scenarios, and trends in the technology sector.

13 jun 15:40 - 16:40
60 min
The Newsletterati return to the WMF: the Italian network of authorial and independent newsletters spanning various topics such as marketing, journalism, philosophy, and technology. Within the context of the WMF, some of the Newsletterati authors will bring their own experience, insights, and vision on the future of newsletters. 
This session will take place in the Open Stage 10 - Hall 30.
13 jun 15:40 - 16:40
60 min
In 2021, Fabio and Edoardo, tired of the heavy toxicity seen on mainstream platforms during the pandemic, created Secret Level: a completely self-managed social network with the aim of breaking down the barrier we are accustomed to creating between real person and social persona. Two and a half years after the project's inception, they tell us how an alternative social network is possible and can lead us to regain a sense of humanity that is increasingly difficult to find in other online spaces.

This meeting will take place in the Open Stage 11 - Hall 30. 
13 jun 15:40 - 16:40
60 min
How does a brief turn into a concrete project? Let's tackle the white whale of every agency and social media manager in this interactive talk, where the classic "bolt company" will pit 3 professionals and AI against each other to get the best possible communication project to sell its bolts. All of this live and with audience participation. Are you ready to compete?

This session will take place in the Open stage 22 - Hall 25.
13 jun 15:40 - 16:40
60 min
Four uncensored professionals spill the beans on how the advent of LLMs and generative AI has changed aspects of daily work.  Are you ready to tackle SEO, tag management, script creation, and other small yet significant enabling solutions for concrete use cases? The speech will be moderated by Simone Rinzivillo. 
This session will take place in the Open Stage 16 - Hall 30.

14 jun 16:20 - 17:20
60 min
This session will take place in the Open Stage 10 - Hall 30.
14 jun 16:20 - 17:20
60 min
"Minimalism" is the art of recognizing the strict necessity to live one's life authentically and consciously. Today more than ever, this mindset is essential, even when it comes to our relationship with technology. We spend much of our time with our heads bowed over smartphones, now a true and prolonged extension of our bodies and often our world. Thinking of our lives without the internet and social networks seems almost impossible today, yet until a few years ago, we managed to do so. As always, the right measure is in the middle: finding a healthy way to use these tools is possible, but it requires training to use them intentionally. During the talk, we will discuss how it is possible to change our relationship with technology, particularly with social media, thanks to the presence of guests who were among the first to experience minimalism in their lives.

This session will take place in the Open 11 - Hall 30.
14 jun 16:20 - 17:20
60 min
A roundtable on the epochal changes that will affect authors, educators, and publishers with the advent of generative AI.
This session will take place in the Open stage 22 - Hall 25.

15 jun 14:40 - 15:20
40 min
We will redefine the concept of NFTs with an exhibition by the artist FLYCAT, the leading Italian figure in the world of Writing and urban art. The first NFT created for Zen-Q will be unveiled. You will witness something that will never be repeated.