Influencer Marketing

The stage, powered by SMStrategies, explores the world of digital influencers, delving into winning strategies for collaborating with influencers and identifying the best partnership opportunities, as well as creating engaging content that captures the attention of the target audience.
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Hosting della sala

Lucia Guerra
Lucia Guerra
Digital Marketing Strategist
Concetta D'Emma
Concetta D'Emma
15 jun 09:20 - 10:00
40 min
The 'Pandoro-gate' shook Influence Marketing, sparking debates on transparency and ethics. The Agcom Guidelines raise crucial questions on Brand Safety practices, offering challenges and opportunities in the sector. However, despite the ambiguous communication between influencers and brands, consumer trust remains strong, without compromising the authenticity of endorsements
15 jun 10:20 - 11:00
40 min
How are Influencers faring in a Post-Pandoro-Gate World? Are they still relevant for brand communication? In this talk, I will provide my perspective on the role of influencers in society and their ability to shape public opinion and consumer habits. I'll present insights and empirical evidence on how, in a world where politics, religion, and brands increasingly struggle to resonate with their audience, influencers remain the only viable option to achieve this goal. Denigrating and attempting to regulate this phenomenon with outdated dynamics serves no purpose, except to generate confusion on the matter.
15 jun 13:40 - 14:20
40 min
Strategies, Tips, and Secrets: Everything They Never Told You about Influencer Marketing. This speech goes from A for Ambassador to B for Brief, guiding the audience letter by letter to discover a much-debated but truly misunderstood subject. How do relationships develop in this field? How can you tell if a quote is right or wrong? What is behind a contract, and who should create it? And who determines the outputs? Us or the client? Because knowing about bulls is one thing, being in the arena is another.
15 jun 14:40 - 15:00
20 min
How we helped an icon of Italian television break into Social Media with videos garnering tens of millions of views and international collaborations
15 jun 15:00 - 15:20
20 min
Creators, influencers, and trends are natural drivers of virality, elements capable of boosting the visibility (and performance) of campaigns when integrated correctly. But like all fires, there's also the risk of "burning out," affecting brands and projects. In this speech, we'll explore tools, approaches, and methodologies for utilizing them (and integrating them) effectively.