Book Presentation

The stage, part of the Book Fair at WMF, is dedicated to talks, book presentations, and interviews on the major developments in the publishing sector. Authors will discuss topics related to digital, sustainability, innovation, and social impact.

Hosting della sala

Americo Bazzoffia
Americo Bazzoffia
Consulenza & Formazione
Viola Poggetti
Viola Poggetti
Web Leaders srl
Ilaria Mundula
Ilaria Mundula
Intercultural marketing & communication strategist
13 jun 12:50 - 13:10
20 min
In the increasingly competitive and customer-oriented context of contemporary marketing, understanding customers' personalities has become a crucial objective for businesses. AI has revolutionized the way we analyze and interpret customer data, opening up new opportunities to deeply understand their preferences, behaviors, and needs. In the case studies we will present, concrete examples of companies that are already successfully leveraging AI will be illustrated, taking into account the ethical challenges and privacy considerations associated with these practices.
13 jun 13:10 - 13:30
20 min
Rocco Rossitto, author of Saying something does not mean having something to say, and Sergio Sentinelli, author of Asking the right question. The art of working with ChatGPT and AI, dialogue on the topic of communication in the time of AI. On the one hand the point of view of a communication consultant, whose twenty years of experience have led him to reflect on the concept of tailored-made communication, where there can be no cooked and eaten recipes. On the other hand, that of someone who is engaged in a continuous dialogue with the most famous machine of all, ChatGPT, in order to be able to obtain the most effective answers, capable of saving us precious time. What would happen if we asked ChatGPT what is the best communication strategy? "It depends" might be its answer?The speech will be moderated by Elisa Basso
13 jun 14:20 - 14:40
20 min
Hunt for the new bosses of the globalized world: the secrets of the super cartel dominating international crime revealed by the journalist who uncovered the mafia's infiltration in Rome and the power of the Casamonica.
13 jun 14:40 - 15:00
20 min
Do you ever stop and realize you're not happy? Of thinking that office work and a cramped apartment suddenly aren't for you anymore? After a life at one hundred miles per hour, Alessandro Brunello moves from the metropolis to the South to discover another paradigm of happiness.The author teaches us - naturally and ironically - that there are no rules for happiness, but there are places where being happy is not so impossible.
13 jun 15:00 - 15:20
20 min
The writer Cristian Cevoli has managed to sell a thousand copies with his work 'Fidarsi di ogni emozione'. As an author who has resorted to self-publication, he bears witness to how resourcefulness and determination can be the keys to reaching the target audience. Is it really possible for everyone to follow the same path as Cristian Cevoli? What does it mean to promote a book today? The author himself will give us the answer, in dialogue with his literary agent Marylin Santaniello.
13 jun 15:20 - 15:40
20 min
Often, brands promote the "culture of identity," building teams around the personalities of leaders, thus avoiding dreamers with their eyes wide open, ignoring the taciturn because they assume that being introverted is a sign of weakness, and seeking those who resemble them. But often creative success comes from listening to people who don't think like us, from those dreamers who, faced with something taken for granted, look at you with a spark in their eyes and say, "What if..." We discuss this with Riccardo Scandellari and Cristiano Carriero, Hoepli authors, speakers, and branding experts.
13 jun 16:40 - 17:00
20 min
Andrea Fontana, one of Italy's leading experts on business storytelling, is the author of Brand storiverso, the book that focuses on the most current ways of telling and telling about ourselves as brands and professionals. To generate positive perceptions, better reputation, more awareness and emotional involvement today we need to create “storiverses”: narrative universes with artfully created values, characters, scenes, settings, emotions. But we have to know how to do this well, otherwise the opportunity will be wasted. We talk about this with Andrea Fontana and Michele Riva.
13 jun 17:00 - 17:20
20 min
In the drawer, we keep the most precious things, dreams, and everything we don't have the courage to be or show. We all have projects, goals, and aspirations, real monkeys that remain trapped, unable even to scream out of frustration at having to stay locked in a drawer. Silently. Most people have to face the fear of exposure every day. This is the first communication manual for introverts. The speech will be moderated by Rudy Bandiera
13 jun 17:20 - 17:40
20 min
Born as a space for creative freedom and democratic participation, the Internet has transformed into a vast arena dominated by economic interests. Valerio Bassan, author of the book "Rebooting the System: How We Broke the Internet and Why It's Up to Us to Fix It" (Chiarelettere, 2024), reconstructs the processes that have made the network increasingly akin to an "uninhabitable place," and reflects on how we can dismantle the monopolistic and extractive mechanisms governing the web.
13 jun 18:00 - 18:20
20 min
The genie is out of the lamp! But are we capable of expressing our wishes in the most effective way to help us achieve our goals more easily and quickly? Generative Artificial Intelligence certainly has its limitations but also enormous potential. It's up to us to overcome the former and discover and make the best use of the latter to transform it into the best assistant ever conceived by the human mind. Bonaventura Di Bello has 20 minutes to explain to us how to tame the genie!
14 jun 09:20 - 09:50
30 min
14 jun 09:50 - 10:00
10 min
How to effectively promote your professional profile to attract new potential clients.
14 jun 12:20 - 12:40
20 min
Affiliate Marketing means working for one's own freedom. Rebelling against constraints, clients, schedules. This has been true since the early 2000s. And it's even more true in the Web3 era - the third wave of the web driven by decentralization and blockchain - where the biggest deals are made online. There are new markets, communities are fundamental. But traditional affiliate techniques and big tech are not dead yet, and marketing still relies on three magical words: mindset, persuasion, and strategy
14 jun 12:40 - 13:00
20 min
14 jun 14:00 - 14:20
20 min
There are those who hymn revolution, those who talk about activism and branding, those who accept the risk of washing (conscious or unconscious) but very few people work on fragilities and understanding their own privileges. A journey toward real, humane, heartfelt inclusiveness that starts with anti-racism and reaches everywhere.
14 jun 14:20 - 14:40
20 min
If there is a real paradigm shift in data collection and analysis, it is certainly not dictated by AI; in fact, artificial intelligence gives the opportunity to take the right lead from automations. Who dictates the rules of the game today is centralized data collection (no longer in silos). To stay the strategic course, it is necessary to have a "brain oriented" Data Strategy. We discuss this with two veterans. 
14 jun 14:40 - 15:00
20 min
A speech on technological innovation, exploring the impact of artificial intelligence, Web3, and the metaverse not only in the tourism sector but also in daily life. The intervention invites reflection on issues of technoethics, the presence of consciousness in machines, and the evolution of the relationship between humans and non-biological entities, with attention to the implications of their convergence. The speech also addresses practical issues such as the use of blockchain and extended reality.
14 jun 15:00 - 15:20
20 min
With a candid and friendly tone, yet at the same time with the authority of someone who has been working in this field for over twenty years, Cristiano Carriero shares his experience in the communication sector and confronts readers with the current reality: a fluid reality, where those who want to become content marketers need to learn strategies, use tools, and experiment with platforms. But they also need to know the tricks of the trade, manage time, and nurture relationships. Hard and soft skills to train for entering this business, but above all, to stay in it.
14 jun 15:20 - 15:40
20 min
Rai Pubblica Utilità's experience in the production of accessible audiovisual content, combined with research on the subject of accessibility by the Communication Design Department of the Milan Polytechnic, have given rise to the project to bring together the knowledge and experience of many experts in ‘Accessibilità comunicativa. Designing content for all', of which Rai Libri has become the publisher. Some of the authors present the book, which addresses a topic that is no longer negligible.
The speech will be moderated by Michela La Pietra.
14 jun 15:40 - 16:00
20 min
Courage in the workplace is not a heroic and solitary gesture but can become an alliance, the courage of many. There is a new way of doing inclusive business, and Sara Taddeo will explain it to us, prodded by her interviewers. It's easy to talk about courage, but without concrete examples, one doesn't get far. In her book, Sara shares reflections, anecdotes, thoughts, conversations, ideas, models, opinions, stories, and even some tools. And, above all, courageous professional experiences. Because our courage always influences that of the people around us and, if well directed, it can become collective courage and social responsibility.
14 jun 16:00 - 16:20
20 min
Tell the truth: how many times have you listened to your boss thinking "Ok boomer" or looked at the young intern wondering if they knew how to do anything besides scrolling on their smartphone? Today, we are required to always be up to date or even ahead of the market, but the problem is that decisions are often made by people with different mindsets who are forced to collaborate. The risk that generational stereotypes may cause us to miss incredible opportunities is too great to be overlooked: on stage, Rachele Focardi, author of "Generazioni a confronto", will confront a Millennial and a Gen Z to help us understand how to avoid it.
14 jun 17:50 - 18:10
20 min
Refrigerators that do the shopping for us, cars that drive while we read a book, software that works for us. But also, televisions that listen to our conversations, algorithms that profile our tastes, spyware ready to sneak into our smartphones to steal our data. Digital transformation is changing our relationship with the world: "things" are becoming increasingly intelligent, bringing us a more comfortable life and endless opportunities, but also ever-new risks. And the possibility of controlling them, of course, albeit at the cost of gradually sacrificing our freedom. Are we really 'Watched and Happy"?
14 jun 18:10 - 18:30
20 min
15 jun 09:40 - 10:00
20 min
The power does not enjoy a good reputation. Statements like 'less power and more leadership' and pre-packaged recipes on how to lead a group fill books and articles. However, the reality of organizations is quite different. Power exists, indeed. The meeting is dedicated to this unwelcome guest, to understand how it operates, to conquer it when necessary, and to exercise it effectively. Because playing the game of power is the most practical way to make things happen
15 jun 10:20 - 10:40
20 min
What have Neuroscience discovered about narratives? Is it possible to manipulate people with new and more dangerous propaganda tools? How will the combination of Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence change storytelling? What will be the effects on the work of writers, content creators, journalists, educators, artists, managers, and, in general, those who deal with stories every day? Neuroscience of storytelling clearly and detailedly frames the impact of technologies and the latest scientific discoveries on narratives and storytelling, analyzing both the risks and opportunities.
15 jun 10:40 - 11:00
20 min
Inaccessibility, indifference, difference, barriers. Soundproofing is not just a "privilege" for deaf people. This talk is an opportunity to address the topic of D&I across the board, starting from deafness and reaching out to a world that refuses to hear (or can no longer hear). 
15 jun 13:40 - 14:00
20 min
How can a podcast change a person's life? The author, Davide Mastrosimone, started it for fun, for training, to pace himself, out of passion. Then his podcast exploded. And the two passions (podcasts and personal growth books) aligned in a dimension that we could call coaching. We talk about it with the top podcast expert in Italy, Francesco Tassi.
15 jun 14:00 - 14:20
20 min
Today we live in a climate of unprecedented uncertainty and volatility. All professions are challenged by unstoppable trends: the ubiquity of AI, the normalisation of hybrid work and the rising tide of global conflicts and crises. In this new context, workers must increasingly be able to reinvent their jobs and careers. But how to do this in a sustainable way? By leveraging the same logic as start-ups: strategic marketing, design thinking and artificial intelligence. Luigi Centenaro, co-author of Business Model You, an international success translated into more than 20 languages, explains.
15 jun 14:20 - 14:40
20 min
There is no simple formula for successfully leading a company, but you certainly need to have a method for keeping all the variables under control and preparing for every eventuality. In his book Management of Uncertainty, Giuseppe Pasceri, over thirty years of work as a manager of leading tech companies, linking the best existing management practices and models and integrating them with some original models, offers an easy-to-apply tool for anyone who finds themselves creating or leading a business of any kind in any industry. We talk about it with Giuseppe Pasceri and Michele Riva
15 jun 14:40 - 15:00
20 min
Future Visions of Digital Marketing takes you on a journey through the major evolutions of the digital landscape, featuring 13 interviews with top professionals in the Italian market. The text explores how digital is transforming, both strategically and operationally, and what we can expect in the near future.
15 jun 15:00 - 15:20
20 min
If listening to the community is the secret to a creator's success, then in this talk we have two star speakers. On one side Grace The Amazing, creator and trainer of hundreds of creators, and Yari Brugnoni, founder of Not Just Analytics. The topic is: what can threaten the effectiveness of content creation if you have a clear strategy and perfect CED? Creator block is not a pathology, but it has all the makings of one. 
15 jun 15:20 - 15:40
20 min