Climate Change

On this stage, researchers, consultants, and non-profit organizations will take turns presenting the state of the art and the major implications of climate change, focusing on existing solutions and key trends at both national and global levels

Hosting della sala

Karolina Bergamo
Karolina Bergamo
MOL Institute
Concetta D'Emma
Concetta D'Emma
14 jun 09:40 - 10:00
20 min
As climate and conflict disasters increase, a growing number of displaced peoples will require optimization models for displacement settlements to ensure the safety and wellbeing of residents and sustainability of short- and long-term shelter developments. This talk explores how displacement camps become future cities, and the disruptive urban design options that can promote sustainability, foster economic empowerment, and support healthy (re)settlement and integration into host communities
14 jun 12:20 - 13:00
40 min
When the culture of sustainability inspires everyday choices.
14 jun 14:00 - 14:40
40 min
Explore the critical role of technology in transforming the way we produce our food - feeding the earth with the needs of tomorrow. Discover how digital innovations from drones to data lakes are not only reshaping farming but are also future-proofing our food systems. This session delves into how cutting-edge technology ensures a smarter and greener agriculture for future generations, seamlessly blending innovation with tradition to nourish the planet sustainably.
14 jun 15:00 - 15:40
40 min
Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability: How do these two worlds intersect? How can each individual contribute actively to sustainability? We will start from the individual and move towards the community, exploring the value of community in a hyper-technological context like the present one. For this reason, Renewable Energy Communities can be the first step to act together, with an ethical approach, for the well-being of the planet and to reduce pollution.
14 jun 17:50 - 18:10
20 min
One of the greatest challenges today is telling the story of the climate crisis to an audience that would love to close their eyes and turn back time. Out of fear or resignation towards the apocalypse that the media prophesize every day. So, how can we engage the audience? With solution journalism, a journalism that instills hope by reporting on solutions. This is how was born, the webdoc that talks about territories, characters, and innovative projects that can change the world