Knowledge Share

Voices and testimonies of innovation will take center stage at the Open Stage by Netval and Knowledge Share at WMF! On June 14th, 2024, get ready to dive into deep tech and technology transfer.

Not only will Netval and KS be present as partners, with an Expo Area featuring 40 of the most promising startups from the KS 2.0 platform and the national innovation landscape, but they will also bring best practices and industry professional viewpoints!

We'll delve into deep tech topics with a focus on the world of Start-Ups and Technology Transfer. But it won't be just theory: on stage, authoritative experts and pioneers will share experiences and concrete examples of the disruptive potential of deep tech in shaping our future.

Netval and Knowledge Share are not just present; they are the engines driving this extraordinary journey into innovation. Join us as we transform the event into an unforgettable experience, creating deep connections and opening the doors to a world of possibilities.

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this revolution: mark June 14th on your calendars and get ready to be transported to the forefront of global innovation.

Come discover the future with us at the Open Stage by Netval and Knowledge Share at WMF.

For more information about Associazione Netval: Who We Are - Netval

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14 jun 09:00 - 09:15
15 min
14 jun 09:20 - 10:00
40 min
The innovation ecosystem in Italy faces significant policy challenges at both national and international levels. Investing in deep tech and technology transfer is crucial to bridging the gap with other advanced nations. The numbers show a growing interest and investment in these sectors, with positive trends in funding startups and research projects. However, the need for targeted policies and adequate incentives remains central to supporting future growth and promoting a favorable environment for technological innovation.
14 jun 10:15 - 11:00
45 min
14 jun 11:10 - 12:00
50 min
14 jun 12:20 - 13:00
40 min
Technology Transfer in service of the nation represents a catalyst for innovation and economic growth. Collaborations between institutional entities, such as universities, research centers, and government agencies, are crucial for transforming scientific discoveries into practical applications. These synergies generate value for the country's system by promoting the development of new technologies, improving business competitiveness, and creating skilled jobs, thereby fostering sustainable and widespread progress.
14 jun 14:00 - 14:20
20 min
La protezione della proprietà intellettuale è fondamentale per aziende e startup, soprattutto nelle partnership e nell'ingresso di azionisti strutturati. Garantisce che le idee, le innovazioni e i marchi siano tutelati, prevenendo appropriazioni indebite e copie non autorizzate. Questo non solo salvaguarda gli investimenti in ricerca e sviluppo, ma aumenta anche il valore dell'azienda, attraendo investitori che cercano sicurezza e solidità nelle loro partecipazioni. Un'adeguata protezione IP favorisce crescita e competitività sostenibile.
14 jun 14:20 - 14:40
20 min
AI for patents embodies a fascinating realm where dreams, nightmares, and reality intertwine. In a world where innovation is imperative, intervention becomes crucial to unveil the workings of the AI engine, such as that found in KS2.0, even for non-experts. This engine is based on complex logics that often clash with idealized expectations. Through this narrative, the dreams associated with AI emerge, but so do its hidden "costs," offering a more realistic and informed perspective on this technology that is as promising as it is complex.
14 jun 14:50 - 15:40
50 min
In Italy, the female employment rate (55.3%) is lower than the EU average (69.3%) and the gender pay gap remains significant. Many women leave work due to maternity or family care responsibilities (20%). According to the ISTAT 2023 Report, tertiary education supports female employment and job retention post-maternity. Despite this, only 18.1% of women graduate in STEM fields compared to 38% of men, with women preferring natural sciences and mathematics, while men choose engineering and ICT. Female-led innovative startups constitute 13.6% of the 13,402 registered by the end of 2023, showing a higher presence of graduates and PhDs. The rate of female inventors in Europe (13.2%) is lower than in the United States (15%) and significantly lower than in South Korea (28.3%) and China (26.3%). To improve the situation, it is necessary to address the gender gap in research, development, and innovation, and implement effective policies to increase female presence in these sectors. These topics will be discussed during the "We Make Future 2024" event organized by the COTEC Foundation in Bologna from June 13 to 15.
14 jun 15:50 - 16:40
50 min
14 jun 16:45 - 17:40
55 min
14 jun 17:50 - 18:10
20 min
Wrap up of Match Mixer: presentation of the matches and the results of the gamification activity in the Expo Area of Netval & KS.