Legal Tech

Hosting della sala

Angela Lo Giudice
Angela Lo Giudice
Nicole Monte
Nicole Monte
42LF società tra avvocati
13 jun 12:50 - 13:30
40 min
In this speech, we explore the regulatory landscape introduced by the new European AI Act, with an enhanced focus on data-centric strategies for managing artificial intelligence systems. This discussion centers on how high-quality data underpins the compliance requirements and technical guidelines of the Act. We will delve into crucial aspects such as robustness, accuracy, and human oversight, emphasizing the role of data in achieving these metrics. As artificial intelligence reshapes industries and societies worldwide, understanding the regulatory framework that governs its deployment becomes increasingly important. By prioritizing a data-centric approach, we aim to dissect the complexities of the AI Act and propose innovative solutions that advocate for a future where data ethics and innovation are intertwined. Join us as we navigate through the implications of the AI Act and champion a data-driven future in AI regulation.
13 jun 14:20 - 14:40
20 min
The approval of spot ETFs and Bitcoin's halving have reignited interest in cryptocurrencies. But in case of legal issues, can they be seized? Analysis of the reference regulations and prospects for an asset experiencing strong expansion but lacking legal precedents
13 jun 14:40 - 15:00
20 min
In the age of artificial intelligence, intelllectual Property ( IP) ownership challenges arise in the realm of AI-generated inventions and ownership, necessitating clear guidelines. Without explicit policies, ambiguity and disputes hinder innovation. Clear ownership definitions foster collaboration and innovation. Recognition of both human and AI contributions is vital in patent intellectual Property law evolution. Can AI be recognized as inventors or owners of their work? Legal frameworks must adapt to accommodate technological progress. Clear guidelines and recognition of collaborative efforts are essential for a future where innovation thrives alongside IP legal clarity
13 jun 17:00 - 17:20
20 min
This speech aims to explore how the legal profession can not only adapt but also lead and support exponential innovation.
Specific examples will be presented to show how law intersects with advanced technologies, with a particular focus on how lawyers can utilize these technologies to enhance their legal practice and improve their relationship will clients. Key topics will include new ways of doing compliance work, new metholodogies, new tools, always taking into acount the relevance of ethics.
I will also outline the factors that are representing an obstacle to reach this goal.
My aim is to outline a pathway for lawyers who wish to position themselves at the heart of innovation, becoming key figures in the digital transformation of businesses and societies; but also to provide food for thought for companies that want to develop new, different relationships, with their legal counsels
13 jun 17:20 - 17:40
20 min
The cookie-less, multi-announced scenario is really coming. What awaits us, especially for re-targeting and related activities? We will note the relevant regulatory changes (such as the DMA and the AI Act) and the decisions of the authorities (e.g. the IAB Europe case, the Cookie Pledge, etc.) that impact, as well as the implications and legal doubts of the new tools (such as Privacy Sandbox, Apple SKAN, Facebook Advanced Matching) and current practices (fingerprinting, web scraping, etc.).
13 jun 18:00 - 18:20
20 min
Artificial intelligence, used to create texts or images, often generates extraordinary works. But are these works really creative? In this speech, we will discuss the guidelines dictated by the US Copyright Office, which indicate how and under what conditions works created with AI systems, such as ChatGPT and Midjourney, can be registered and protected by copyright, examining some recent cases.  We will give concrete and practical guidance on how to obtain rights to works in Italy.
13 jun 18:20 - 18:40
20 min
In an interconnected digital world, digital rights play a crucial but often balancing role. The intersection of the right to be forgotten, reputation, transparency, moderation and new digital rights seem at odds but represent pieces of a single ecosystem. The ethical and legal challenges in protecting individual privacy while fostering digital transparency and the use of AI as a tool for online moderation and reputation maintenance will be discussed.
14 jun 09:20 - 09:40
20 min
Today, there are various regulations that require companies and public administrations that provide or use artificial intelligence systems to conduct assessments on the impacts of AI and how these systems comply with the law. This is the case, for example, with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): those intending to use an AI system must conduct a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA). Additionally, the AI Act, the new European law on artificial intelligence, requires conducting a Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment (FRIA) when using an AI system. The same law also introduces the obligation to conduct a Conformity Assessment (CA) to demonstrate the compliance of one's AI system with the requirements of the AI Act. This speech will present the various assessments that businesses and public entities must conduct on their AI systems to comply with legal obligations. It will explain how to conduct these evaluations and with what methodologies, highlighting points of contact and differences, while also focusing on the benefits that can arise from their correct and timely completion
14 jun 09:40 - 10:00
20 min
Generative AI is a rapidly growing sector that is transforming society by expanding creativity, ideation processes, and productivity. However, the impact on employment is complex, and both the positive and negative aspects need to be analyzed. There are also significant security risks, and the new capabilities of language models can even threaten democracy. Finally, the emerging trend of humanoid robotics could also reduce human manual labor.
14 jun 12:20 - 12:40
20 min
This speech will examine strategies for implementing effective security policies in small organizations that do not have a dedicated IT department. Special attention will be given to the collection and cataloging of data in a forensic manner, useful for preparing instructional elements to defend the assets and reputation of companies and professional firms in legal proceedings
14 jun 12:40 - 13:00
20 min
Understanding the use of Artificial Intelligence will save your life. How will it be ensured that citizens are informed and aware of the implications of AI? We will conduct an analysis of the ethics and new regulations that limit the use of AI tools by public administration, focusing on digital services such as chatbots and biometric control.
14 jun 14:00 - 14:40
40 min
We will delve into the legal complexities surrounding the attribution of intellectual property rights for works generated through artificial intelligence, with a particular focus on defining authorship in contexts where AI plays a crucial role. We will examine the current challenges in recognizing users of AI software as legitimate authors and propose practical solutions for the recognition and protection of copyright on such works.
14 jun 15:00 - 15:20
20 min
The obvious advantages of artificial intelligence in the workplace are not always without consequences: the repercussions on industrial relations, especially in terms of the opacity of employer powers, risk opening up new forms of discrimination and increased invasiveness of monitoring. We will compare the major emerging risks for workers with the solutions that the current labor law framework can offer today
14 jun 15:20 - 15:40
20 min
Let's talk about how the advent of generative artificial intelligence has subverted the twentieth-century concept of copyright, forcing stakeholders worldwide - from US film studios to Chinese content creators - to completely rethink a notion that seemed established in the rights landscape since the Berne Convention of 1889. What future and what positioning for creators of intellectual works? It's a global challenge to which we attempt to provide direct and reasoned answers
14 jun 17:50 - 18:10
20 min
In the dynamic world of web agencies, collaborations with freelancers and small agencies are daily and fundamental to remain competitive in the market. This speech explores the main issues of this win-win relationship, offering effective strategies to ensure a productive collaboration without legal risks or compromises on quality. Here's how to protect your agency and enhance shared work.
14 jun 18:10 - 18:30
20 min
In the speech, the perennial question of "Subscriptions or Profiling" used by online newspapers in the context of paywalls and profiling cookies will be discussed. It will explore how the balance between user privacy and economic sustainability of publishers is influenced by the GDPR, and new subscription strategies proposed by companies will be evaluated in light of guidelines issued by the EDPB.