Back-End & Cloud

The stage provides comprehensive and targeted discussions on the latest trends and strategies in backend development and cloud computing. Attendees will delve deep into crucial aspects of server-side programming and cloud infrastructure, acquiring vital skills to address intricate challenges and engineer innovative solutions tailored to modern computing environments.

Hosting della sala

Paolo Insogna
Paolo Insogna
15 jun 09:20 - 10:00
40 min
MySQL and MariaDB are two of the most important open-source players in the database world. But MariaDB is MySQL with a different name… or is it? During this talk, you will learn the history of MySQL and MariaDB-including interesting details that only a few know! You will also dive into technical features like storage engines, columnar storage, proxies, automatic failover, high availability, change data capture, NoSQL compatibility, and more!
15 jun 10:20 - 11:00
40 min
We live in a brave new world of cyber attacks, state-sponsored hacking and global instability fueled by (cyber and not) wars; perimeter security is just not up to the task of securing the modern digital infrastructure.
Zero Trust Security Model assumes that an enterprise-owned environment is not different or trustworthy than any non enterprise-owned environment. In this paradigm, an enterprise must assume no implicit trust and continually analyze and evaluate the risks to its assets.
We will show how we can simply and scalably implement new ways to perform the necessary steps towards achieving perfect zero-trust architecture, and what entails for operations and development.
15 jun 13:40 - 14:20
40 min
In a complex and articulated world like Azure's, it's crucial to be able to automate certain management operations. Rotating security keys, renewing expiring secrets, synchronizing services that don't have out-of-the-box synchronization modes are just some of the operations that we "must" implement in our solutions effectively and efficiently. Technologies like Azure Functions, Logic App, Event Grid come to our aid for this, providing us with a range of services that allow us to implement these tasks efficiently and cost-effectively. In this session, we will explore what events are in Azure and how they can be leveraged using Serverless technologies to achieve the desired outcome
15 jun 14:40 - 15:20
40 min
GraphQL is powerful technology to retrieve and send complex structures from remote locations with a simple and effective syntax. One of its perks is avoid under-fetching and over-fetching as the client specifically requests the fields it’s interested in. But what happens if we need to enrich or customize the data set and we can’t modify the upstream GraphQL server? Shall we break the spec? In this talk I will show you how to use the resources the GraphQL specification already gives us to solve this issue without having to break the rules.