Innovation Showcase

This stage, powered by SAP on the 13th of June, showcases products and services presented by startups, SMEs, and companies offering innovative solutions to corporate needs and, generally, the market.
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Hosting della sala

Bruno Strati
Bruno Strati
Co-Founder and Chief Data Officer di Brainy Rms
Emanuele Arosio
Emanuele Arosio
Emanuele Arosio
Mateus Bonetti
Mateus Bonetti
Social Media Manager Freelance
13 jun 12:50 - 13:10
20 min
13 jun 13:10 - 13:30
20 min
In a rapidly changing market, Performya turns your marketing into a true Omnichannel Data-Driven Engine in one click. Today there can be no other useful marketing choice.Get a unified and reliable view of all your online and offline activities with one intuitive analytics hub.Performya offers a tailored approach to marketing, with optimized, pre-configured solutions for every industry.Find out now with concrete data how Performya helped other companies overcome challenges and achieve their goals!Because it’s gonna be yours next.
13 jun 14:20 - 14:40
20 min
A strong chance of getting a grant for your innovative project, especially for women-led startups and startups established in "emerging" countries or regions as innovators.
13 jun 14:40 - 15:00
20 min
We will discover together how entrepreneurship can be fueled by your passion and how this can become the driving force for launching and growing a successful business. Through innovative strategies and unconventional practices, we will explore the path to entrepreneurial success, breaking patterns and challenging conventions. If you are ready to turn your passion into a profitable business, this talk is exactly what you need!
13 jun 17:00 - 17:20
20 min
Startup Studio and SaaS for the participatory construction of the sustainability report: an alliance to allow founders, companies and professional investors to express their potential that involved an important industrial partner.
13 jun 17:20 - 17:40
20 min
During the talk, the Yus Generation® Project will be presented in the words of the direct creator Dr. Federico Ferrari. He will discuss on how the idea of people's uniqueness was born, how to bring it out and how to develop it. And at the end he will talk about the future he and his team imagine. A tomorrow that speaks of awareness, mastery of one's abilities, personal and job satisfaction, and the importance - as Walt Whitman once said - of contributing with a personal verse.
13 jun 18:00 - 18:20
20 min
Never before have we realized the value and beauty of the nature that surrounds us as we have in recent years. LoceM is an app that offers an easy, fast, and secure solution to fully experience the beauty of the area through the rental of items and equipment, connecting curious visitors with local businesses. Starting from the world of bike rentals and tourism on Lake Garda, LoceM enhances the customer experience on one side and the quality of service provided by shops on the other
13 jun 18:20 - 18:40
20 min
The tech startup landscape is a dynamic ecosystem, marked by rapid innovation, fierce competition, and constant growth. While launching a tech startup is thrilling, scaling it up presents many challenges that demand innovative solutions and strategic thinking. This panel discussion aims to delve into the details of scaling up tech startups, exploring the obstacles faced by techpreneurs and the strategies employed to overcome them.
14 jun 09:20 - 09:40
20 min
Discovering innovative and sustainable growth paths.
14 jun 09:40 - 10:00
20 min
I visitatori di un e-commerce incontrano a ogni passo ostacoli che li spingono ad abbandonare il sito, a non completare gli acquisti o a comprare una volta sola. Il segreto per rimuovere gli ostacoli - e ottenere il maggior numero di clienti fedeli - è analizzare con l'AI tutte le tracce dei visitatori. Come un sesto senso, l'AI rivela immediatamente le somiglianze nel percorso d'acquisto dei clienti fedeli e suggerisce come guidare gli altri visitatori lungo la stessa strada sicura.
14 jun 12:20 - 12:40
20 min
Berlin's growing influence in the impact economy: what factors have made this city an attractive place for companies and investors committed to generating positive social and environmental impact.
14 jun 12:40 - 13:00
20 min
SoBu is an application that offers a range of interactive multisensory motor games designed for visually impaired children. Currently, children with visual impairments lack gaming tools that promote interaction with others while stimulating movement and social relationships. SoBu aims to fill this gap by providing an inclusive and enjoyable experience that promotes the motor and social development of visually impaired children.
14 jun 14:00 - 14:20
20 min
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) can help companies find new customers. By integrating AI into a system that uses multiple communication channels, such as social media, emails, and chatbots, companies can always be present and ready to respond to customers. By analyzing data collected from these channels, AI can understand customer preferences and predict what they might want in the future. This helps companies offer products or services that better meet customer needs, increasing the chances of attracting new interested individuals. Fortunately, the web offers a wealth of usable information. For information that cannot be found online, a telephone robot can be programmed to contact people directly. This robot can automatically call potential customers to introduce the company and even schedule appointments. In this way, AI helps bridge the gap between the information available online and that which requires more direct contact, making the customer acquisition process more efficient and straightforward. It can also send a personalized SMS to each contact, an email, or any other form of contact.
14 jun 14:20 - 14:40
20 min
Boost your business experience, activate the modular cloud management system: Nubble is the super easy ERP system for your business with Generative Artificial Intelligence. Do you have a shop, a restaurant, or an SME? Organize sales, support, finances, connect your bank and everything else, with surprising results, thanks to the continuous implementation of plug-ins and apps that enrich your dashboard
14 jun 15:00 - 15:20
20 min
Join us for the talk organized by Wooclap, titled "AI and Neuroscience: Two Allies in the Service of Learning." Discover how these two fields intertwine to revolutionize training and learning. Don't miss this unique opportunity to explore the future of education!
14 jun 15:20 - 15:40
20 min
During the session, we will uncover common mistakes to avoid when launching a new business/project in digital innovation. Through practical cases and real-life examples, we will explore the best strategies for success. We will tackle some of the crucial aspects to focus on, such as mindset, marketing, digitalization, strategic business models, and operational processes. Take advantage of an educational session full of practical insights to make your startup "invulnerable" to threats.
14 jun 17:50 - 18:10
20 min
Artificial intelligence is set to revolutionize numerous sectors, including the creation of three-dimensional models. Discover how, in the field of design, it's possible to transform a hand-drawn sketch into a 3D model, reducing time, costs, and errors
14 jun 18:10 - 18:30
20 min
This fireside chat is an unmissable opportunity for anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of the investment landscape and finding out how industry leaders think and operate. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable insights directly from the experts driving some of the industry's most dynamic and strategic investment decisions.
15 jun 09:20 - 10:00
40 min
Building a brighter tomorrow for Africa through initiatives designed to equip young minds with the skills and mindset needed to drive economic growth, create jobs, and transform their communities.
15 jun 10:20 - 10:40
20 min
Compared to its European counterpart, the Italian VC ecosystem struggles to keep pace in terms of the number of startups founded and the percentage that manage to close Seed and Series A rounds. The reasons behind these phenomena are numerous and varied, and are only partially mitigated by the talent present in the region. BizPlace, with its focus on the tech world and an extensive network of connections in the sector, supports founders comprehensively and helps them realize their business vision.
15 jun 10:40 - 11:00
20 min
A study by the McKinsey Global Institute suggests that approximately 50% of tasks currently performed by human beings could be automated as technologies currently under development become refined and globally adopted!How will this phenomenon impact the business world, particularly the legal support that businesses require?During this session, companies and professionals have the opportunity to learn about new legal-tech software and discover whether they are already capable of replacing lawyers, or alternatively, if they represent the only way to help lawyers become efficient in supporting businesses.
15 jun 13:20 - 14:20
60 min
15 jun 14:40 - 14:50
10 min
15 jun 14:50 - 15:00
10 min
15 jun 15:00 - 15:20
20 min
Community-cation is communication based on community design. It is an approach that places the target community at the center of the strategy through the bridging role of ambassadors. Together, we will discover the process from scratch through the case of Fiera Didacta Italia, the most important Italian event on educational innovation. From the "rhizomatic" strategy to the creation of a micro-community of ambassadors and phygital spaces like the #socialprof area.