Prophets of AI

In this stage, speeches and interventions by some of the most respected international experts in Artificial Intelligence will alternate.

Thanks to the partnership between Search On Media Group and WMF with Prophets of AI - a leading American entity for connecting with experts in the AI field - this stage will feature brilliant minds who have made significant contributions to the advancement of artificial intelligence, robotics, and consciousness fields, coming from diverse backgrounds such as computer science, art, finance, and informatics.

Hosting della sala

Matthew Chavira
Matthew Chavira
Prophets of AI
13 jun 12:50 - 13:30
40 min
Global culture is rapidly transforming as digital technology, in particular AI, becomes an integrated aspect of how we see and engage with reality. Many leaders are challenged as they try to keep up with the growing complexity and demands of the hyper-paced digital economy while also leading their teams through this time of uncertainty and change. It is not enough to be agile and technologically savvy in these times. As various modern day philosophers have urged, it is emotional intelligence and mental flexibility, guided by a deeply informed value system, that will enable people to adapt and potentially thrive in these disruptive times. It is a nuanced understanding of the upside of human potential, and the mental discipline it requires to cultivate this, that will distinguish the leader of the future from an ordinary leader. The leader who can navigate this new climate, role-modeling the internal resources needed, such as self-awareness, presence, empathy and wisdom, can encourage their teams to move beyond fear and creatively participate in shaping this new era of possibility. A leader who recognizes that we must make progress in wisdom as fast as we make progress in technology.
13 jun 14:20 - 15:00
40 min
Monika Bielskyte's research explores how SciFi influences real future-making, and often biases us to focus on fictional dangers while ignoring very real risks. AI is set to supercharge hybrid warfare and facilitate social and geopolitical fracturing - how can we avoid fear-based narratives, while ensuring that Gen AI tools are used not just to simulate/distort our past or present reality, but also to foster population scale resilience and prototype more expansive, hopeful and livable future possibilities?
13 jun 17:00 - 17:40
40 min
What if the stories we tell could shape the future we live in? Embrace the opportunity to think like a futurist and engineer the world you desire. Turn visionary ideas into tangible realities through transformative world-building techniques.

 Join a captivating discussion on how stories can reimagine our future by exploring issues like algorithmic bias and envisioning an AI as president. Discover how stories have pushed the boundaries of what is possible by being sent to space, and how these narratives have inspired the very technology that makes space travel a reality.

 Delve into the visionary stories that have inspired real-world innovations, highlighting the power of imagination in driving technological progress. Understand how philosophers and quantum physicists approach world-building, empowering you to create your own worlds that address global issues. Gain new insights from this enchanting experience to shape our collective future.
13 jun 18:00 - 18:40
40 min
As companies and governments worldwide vie for dominance in the AI race, pressing ethical concerns surround the implications of these technologies and the imperative to safeguard civilians from their unintended consequences. Notably, the gender disparity within the AI workforce looms large, exacerbating the global shortage of AI talent. This keynote delves into the pivotal question: How can we balance the pursuit of technological advancement with the imperative to develop ethical, gender-inclusive AI products? This talk will explore strategies to mitigate bias and foster inclusivity in the AI landscape