Content Creators

The stage, part of WMF's Creators Fest, is where the world of Content Creators comes to life with interviews, sketches, panels, talks, and meetings with the protagonists of the content creation world and their communities.

Hosting della sala

Leandra Borsci
Leandra Borsci
Copywriter e digital strategist
Rey Sciutto
Rey Sciutto
13 jun 12:50 - 13:10
20 min
The story of little Vale and how as a child she dreamed of becoming an archaeologist, teacher, singer, actress, and journalist. The story of how as a child she dreamed of becoming everything and how at 27 she had become nothing. Let's talk about how painful it can be to give up the privilege of education due to a poor family background, in every respect. And how in the end, thanks to social media, little Vale is managing to become everything, despite everything.
13 jun 13:10 - 13:30
20 min
Are social media ruining our mental health? Is it possible to find a balance between FOMO, social comparison, malicious individuals, and the communication needs that drive people to spend more and more time on digital platforms? This speech will explore the interaction between mental health and social media, analyzing both the positive and negative effects of digital platforms on psychological well-being.
13 jun 14:20 - 14:40
20 min
Creating content is easy, anyone can do it. But knowing how to do it effectively is the key. Elements such as passion, understanding your audience, and constant practice are fundamental for creating successful content. In this speech, you will discover how to overcome creative obstacles and transform your vision into engaging and meaningful content.
13 jun 14:40 - 15:00
20 min
The web can be a powerful tool to give a voice to causes that have been ignored for too long. Starting from my story, I will talk about how the Internet can be a means to understand that regardless of one’s body, every individual deserves respect and the same opportunities given to those with a body that conforms to society's standards. I will share the challenges I have faced along the way and how I have overcome common prejudices, using my online platform to inspire and encourage others to do the same. We will then examine how the web can be a fertile ground for creating inclusive and positive spaces that celebrate diversity in all its forms.
13 jun 17:00 - 17:20
20 min
Turning a weakness into strength by changing the paradigm. Valentina Leporati was diagnosed with celiac disease at just 17 months old. Today, she spreads awareness and information on such an important topic as food, which has a great power: to bring us all together around the same table. Valentina discusses the challenges that cuisine must face in the future, through innovation and knowledge, to make the table a place for everyone, in a word, inclusive
13 jun 17:20 - 17:40
20 min
How is the figure of the food creator evolving today? Mocho, originally a YouTuber and now an entrepreneur, tells how, through clear communication aimed at a loyal audience, his community, he managed to open two fast-food restaurants in Milan in just one year, thus transforming his role from a creator to a player in the food industry, becoming the first YouTuber to open his own fast-food chain in Italy.
13 jun 18:00 - 18:20
20 min
How should businesses collaborate with content creators to ensure that the final product is effective and profitable for both parties? Samuel and Leonardo will discuss the relationship between businesses and comedy-oriented content creators, delving into the complex dynamic that intertwines two very different perspectives when engaging with Generation Z audiences. They will explore the theme of communicative challenges, seeking to identify appropriate behaviors to ensure that the final product is effective.
13 jun 18:20 - 18:40
20 min
The concept of "fluid tradition" aims to innovatively narrate the continually evolving stories and traditions of each of us. We will explore how sharing memories of home flavors through digital platforms allows us to pass down cultural roots that might otherwise be lost. Additionally, we will discover how these seemingly distant realities converge in a dialogue rich with emotions and authentic connections.
14 jun 09:20 - 09:40
20 min
After the emergence of various creators over the years, we now find a new generation of "anti-influencers" completely revolutionizing the landscape. While in the past, comedic entertainers with their skits dominated, today there are content creators who share "their art" or "their craft," allowing people to learn or delve into their work and passions. Thus, culture is emerging as a new form of entertainment, making it "sexy" yet also trashy in its presentation. Sabina Wayroll is a tangible example of this and will discuss it during this interview with Riccardo Mortelliti.
14 jun 09:40 - 10:00
20 min
Is being a content creator cool or lame? Provocative question that prompts reflection on the double face that this job has in Italy.I will analyze this cue from a highly personal perspective, taking a leap into the past and trying to identify the motivations that triggered such a strong passion in me, in such a short time (and whether it makes sense to pursue it).Examining the past seems like nonsense at such a fair, but it is only by reflecting on it that future direction can be envisioned.
14 jun 12:20 - 12:40
20 min
The story of the experience of one of the first content creators from the old guard of YouTube, from the beginning until today, building the start of a career as a director, author, and screenwriter.
14 jun 12:40 - 13:00
20 min
Interview with Elia Bombardelli and Matteo Saudino, professors and authors of two of the largest educational channels on YouTube in the Italian landscape. With them, we will discuss youth, social media, and the evolution of online educational content. The speech will be moderated by Andrea Ciraolo.
14 jun 14:00 - 14:20
20 min
Alice Zabeo, CEO and Founder of Bonnie Beauty and Skin Specialist with over 30,000 followers on Instagram, is an expert in utilizing direct communication strategies and influencer marketing in the beauty sector.Thanks to an innovative approach, Bonnie Beauty has turned customer feedback into a powerful tool for product development and evolution, demonstrating the importance of direct communication for the success of the brand. Alice's past experience and the existing community have been crucial for Bonnie Beauty to validate and launch its product and establish continuous dialogue with the target audience, highlighting customer skin transformation stories and using social proof and User Generated Content to build credibility.Not only that: it is precisely through social media that Bonnie Beauty found its initial funding, raising 50,000 euros in less than 2 weeks to launch its first marketing campaigns. Alice could offer valuable insights on how brands can use social media and influencer marketing to create an authentic connection with the public, driving brand growth and strengthening relationships with customers and industry stakeholders in the digital age.Alice was recently invited to speak at Cosmoprof, specifically to share her innovative communication strategy.
14 jun 14:20 - 14:40
20 min
Sharing one's know-how without secrets through original content and language accessible to all: three key elements that have allowed me to become a recognized professional in a specific niche. With social media, I've turned my passion for slides into a job, and today I'm 'the one with the slides'.
14 jun 15:00 - 15:20
20 min
The sound changes everything: from selecting a music track for a crucial scene in a film, to immersive audio effects in a short; sound allows me to perceive, experience, and enjoy content in a completely unique way. But how did I transition from listening to creating? How has sound influenced my journey? When I create a video, I don't just produce images, but shape a universe that also unfolds through audio: tracks that can evolve into performances, yielding results beyond expectations. Can sounds capture attention? Can I create cross-platform content, with effective audio, even for Spotify? How much does a sound make a difference in what I create? In this speech, I narrate my evolution, and how sound has given it rhythm
14 jun 15:20 - 15:40
20 min
In this interview, Arnold Cardaropoli explains how irony can transform difficult conversations into moments of connection. He will share his light-hearted and responsible approach with the audience to promote social awareness online through a fun and inclusive way of fostering dialogue on sensitive topics.
14 jun 17:50 - 18:10
20 min
My experience of battling prejudice has caused sadness and anger. For years, I felt like a burden to others, but I've learned to accept myself. I've become an influencer with 1.5 million followers on TikTok, aiming to challenge disability-related stereotypes. I'm proud of my journey and hope to inspire others to overcome their own challenges
14 jun 18:10 - 18:30
20 min
Through my personal journey, from the moment I embraced my authenticity to how I brought my identity into my videos, we will see how to find the right balance between individual expression and audience appeal. Discover how videomaking can become a personal art form that sets you apart in your niche. Creating videos in line with your own tone of voice can make all the difference
15 jun 09:20 - 09:40
20 min
The speech will explore how the conscious and consistent use of social media, particularly Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok, has transformed my traditional professional studio into a completely digital reality. I will emphasize simple tools that are accessible even to non-experts, enabling the creation of engaging pages. Together, we will discover how even the most "technical" topics can become captivating and attractive to the audience.
15 jun 09:40 - 10:00
20 min
In this talk we will explore how pursuing one's passions is essential to personal and professional well-being. We will discuss how digital tools, from social media to online learning platforms, can expand opportunities, facilitate global connections, and provide valuable resources for turning passions into successful careers.
15 jun 10:20 - 10:40
20 min
In the last two years, we have witnessed a Copernican revolution of social media as we have known them. With the introduction of the "For You" section on TikTok (and all the imitations that have followed), we no longer see the content of the people we follow but rather the content that the algorithm believes will interest us. This deeply changes the relationship between creators and their followers, as well as the strategy of companies aiming to pursue marketing objectives on social media
15 jun 10:40 - 11:00
20 min
Cosplay has invaded the market, transforming from a simple hobby into a special asset of next-level marketing. Presenting various case histories, we will see how it all began with the introduction of a certain professionalism into a market unable to handle the business value generated by the endless possibilities that Cosplay can bring in the field of upselling, mouthtalk experience, and brand reputation. We will also analyze the future possibilities that this market could open up to anyone who has the insight to get on board this Blue Ocean.
15 jun 13:40 - 14:00
20 min
The presentation will begin with a brief account of Alessandro de Concini's professional journey, from social media dissemination to creating a company now part of a large group. This will illustrate how one can transition from being a simple digital creator to a structured and professional entity. Through case studies and concrete examples, we will explore the strategy for building an entrepreneurial project starting from one's own community and a recognized and respected brand.
15 jun 14:00 - 14:20
20 min
The younger generations are always on everyone's lips. "You are the future." But we are also the present, and the present we live in is one of uncertainty, instability, social and environmental crises. Generation Z is the most burdened by the climate crisis, yet it is also the generation that is trying the hardest to make a difference. Even online.
15 jun 14:40 - 15:20
40 min
We will redefine the concept of NFTs with an exhibition by the artist FLYCAT, the leading Italian figure in the world of Writing and urban art. The first NFT created for Zen-Q will be unveiled. You will witness something that will never be repeated.