
The stage hosts prominent speakers that will offer their insights into the world of branding: through informative and vertical interventions, the strategic role of brands in the digital age, their relationship with consumers, impact on the social context, vertical platforms, communities, and much more will be thoroughly explored.
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Hosting della sala

Claudio Gagliardini
Claudio Gagliardini
Emanuela Ciuffoli
Emanuela Ciuffoli
Anna Magri
Anna Magri
SEO Specialist | Digital Marketing Specialist
13 jun 12:50 - 13:30
40 min
In the digital age, the relationship between individuals and brands is constantly evolving, driven by relentless technological advancement. This transformation is set to redefine the true future value of branding. The ‘Future Brands’ study by the GENS observatory aims to analyse generational differences in brand perceptions, involving a broad spectrum of the population, from 16 to 60 years of age. Through this survey, the aim is to identify the branding elements that are most relevant in the current and future media landscape.It will provide a detailed overview of the evolution of brand perceptions in the technological age, offering valuable insights into the branding factors that are key to effectively engaging different generations of consumers. What characteristics will brands need to thrive in an increasingly digital future? The study aims to answer this question, providing communication professionals and managers with a set of insights and communication drivers.
13 jun 14:20 - 15:00
40 min
Logo? Do you really think that's enough to make your brand recognizable? To create a truly memorable brand, you need to identify your brand codes (visual, auditory, olfactory, and verbal) and use them everywhere, as consistently and redundantly as possible. In this speech, we will explore the various types of brand codes, with examples of brands successfully applying them.
13 jun 18:00 - 18:40
40 min
The rules of corporate storytelling are evolving. From linear narratives (beginning, climax, end), we are transitioning to the creation of intricate and complex narrative universes that unfold across various media ecosystems. This speech will explore the new principles of corporate and brand storytelling, as well as the most effective methods for building corporate storyverses.
14 jun 09:20 - 10:00
40 min
This presentation aims to explore the importance of a well-structured social media presence and organic content marketing for business growth. Through case studies and practical advice, we will examine how a company can bring its expertise, products, and services online, presenting them to the wider public and building an asset of organic promotion and communication. This approach enriches brand perception and contributes to the success of every other sales initiative.
14 jun 12:20 - 13:00
40 min
If there is one trait that distinguishes humans from machines, it is creativity, that is, the ability to solve problems in novel ways. The _creative industry_ economy, which employs thousands of nerds in Milan and elsewhere, is based on this trait. One piece at a time we are handing over creative work to machines. Perhaps we will all go on holiday and perhaps we will learn to live in a cultural context in which all books, films and works of art are created by a non-human being. Let us reason together about the mechanisation of intellectual work and the consequences this revolution will have on the universe, on our lives and especially on the Instagram editorial plan that I have to deliver tomorrow at ten o'clock.
14 jun 14:00 - 14:40
40 min
In 2024, the idea of a brain serving brands represents an exciting convergence of neuroscience and marketing, giving brands unprecedented access to the minds of consumers. This approach, based on the latest discoveries in neuroscience and artificial intelligence, allows marketers to better understand consumers’ decision-making processes and adapt their marketing strategies more precisely and effectively. Using neural data, brands can design more engaging and memorable brand experiences. This could include tailoring advertising messages based on individuals’ brain reactions or designing physical and digital environments that positively stimulate consumers’ brains. With a better understanding of how the brain works, marketers can optimize communication to maximize impact. This includes the use of colors, words and images that positively activate brain regions associated with attention, memory and emotions. The brain at the service of brands offers enormous potential to improve the effectiveness of marketing strategies and create more meaningful brand experiences for consumers. However, it is critical that this power is used responsibly, balancing innovation with ethical and privacy considerations. The speech will present the latest research on this topic and present application case studies.
14 jun 15:00 - 15:20
20 min
The art of storytelling still represents a valuable tool for connecting and engaging. How is the way of 'storytelling' evolving among Millennials and Gen Z?
14 jun 15:20 - 15:40
20 min
WWF and Inter bring climate change and the biodiversity crisis to Earth Day.
14 jun 17:50 - 18:30
40 min
When a brand speaks, it must take into account different stakeholders: from customers, to employees, to the community. We will look together at how to design a functional brand for all the even very different goals it is called upon to achieve today.