Social Media Strategies

The stage, powered by SMStrategies, offers informative speeches dedicated to fundamental strategies for measuring and optimizing performance on social media. You will delve into the most effective techniques to maximize the impact of your online activities, optimizing your social media presence to achieve your business goals.
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Hosting della sala

Silvia Signoretti
Silvia Signoretti
Silvia Signoretti - Franchising Strategy
Enrico Gualandi
Enrico Gualandi
Deda Digital / Social Factor
Angela Deganis
Angela Deganis
13 jun 12:50 - 13:30
40 min
Join global Instagram expert, Jenn Herman, for this tactical session to maximize your Instagram strategy. You'll learn the 3 things that matter right now on IG. Learn how to optimize your profile to get found in more searches by your target audience. Master how to create Reels that attract new followers and serve your existing followers - all without the need to dance or lip sync! And discover the valuable power of direct messages to better connect with your followers and drive more leads and conversions from Instagram. You’ll leave with actionable steps to implement immediately!
13 jun 14:20 - 15:00
40 min
Customising dynamic creative allows you to best showcase the products in your catalogue and at the same time enhance your brand, all in one sales-oriented ad.The speech will provide an overview of dynamic ad design, including the use of dedicated tools, best practices and results from selected AB tests.
13 jun 17:00 - 17:40
40 min
In a digital landscape where precise measurement and attribution have become elusive, planning effective multichannel budget management is increasingly complex. We will explore how to overcome the challenges of data discrepancy and optimize the distribution of advertising investments through a holistic view of data and intelligent integration between online and offline, e-commerce and marketplace.
13 jun 18:00 - 18:20
20 min

13 jun 18:20 - 18:40
20 min
Francesco Policoro and Maura La Greca recount the adventure of the longest-running children's singing kermesse (loved by adults as well) on TikTok.
14 jun 09:20 - 10:00
40 min
If you don't do videos, you don't exist. Today, for businesses, integrating videos into their social strategy isn't just an option; it's a necessity. It's not just about Video Marketing anymore; it's increasingly crucial to talk about Video Commerce. Looking at international trends, from TikTok Shop to multi-channel live streams, this intervention aims to provide Digital & Social Media Marketing professionals with essential tools to harness the power of video to create impactful experiences that blend shopping and entertainment
14 jun 12:20 - 12:40
20 min
How can we leverage the engaging nature of experiences on TikTok without coming across as cringe? How do we connect with our audience with content that fits within the budget? How do we speak to our core fans? Let's tackle these and other questions together, delving into the world of TikTok entertainment.
An approach capable of transforming communication into a show, where brands become protagonists of engaging stories, rather than mere advertisers.
14 jun 12:40 - 13:00
20 min
In a rapidly evolving digital market, two imperatives drive brand communication strategy: staying updated on the latest trends proactively and engaging one's target audience. Capture The Pulse allows you to meet both demands by combining The Fool's expertise with ViralMoment's cutting-edge technology; this operational framework provides the tools to anticipate tomorrow's trends and turn them into winning strategies.
14 jun 14:00 - 14:40
40 min

14 jun 15:00 - 15:40
40 min
Strategy and tactics for a full funnel approach on B2B. From top of the funnel to conversion and sales.
14 jun 17:50 - 18:30
40 min
We will present the new multi-touchpoint branding campaign of 3Bmeteo, the first Italian weather forecast portal. We will move from a new vision of the brand, demonstrating how every piece of content on every chosen medium (TV - WEB - SOCIAL - INFLUENCER MARKETING) must be built to achieve the company vision, which is not only to make reliable forecasts, but to allow all people to organise their time and fully enjoy every moment of their lives.
15 jun 09:20 - 09:40
20 min
15 jun 09:40 - 10:00
20 min
The presentation will explore the innovative world of managing social channels for Public Administration (PA). Through the analysis of practical cases and implemented solutions, it will be illustrated how PAs can use social media to enhance institutional communication. Special attention will be given to the challenges faced during crises and the strategic integration with Artificial Intelligence, highlighting how this synergy can optimize institutional responses, ensuring efficiency and transparency.
15 jun 10:20 - 11:00
40 min
15 jun 13:40 - 14:20
40 min
Discover how artificial intelligence can revolutionize our social media strategies. This speech provides an overview of practical techniques and tools, demonstrating with concrete examples how AI can optimize content management, engagement, and data analysis. A must for digital marketing professionals!
15 jun 14:40 - 15:20
40 min
AI is becoming increasingly present in our work and on our platforms. LinkedIn is no exception and has introduced numerous AI-based features. Knowing them and being able to leverage them to one's advantage becomes essential for success on LinkedIn in 2024. Let's explore together all the innovations introduced by the platform, as well as best practices, strategies, and tips for successfully utilizing them in our marketing, advertising, and social selling activities