AI for Future

The AI for Future stage, part of the WMF's AI Global Summit event and sponsored by Globant, will offer talks on the application and future of artificial intelligence by leading Italian and international experts in the field. 
This stage is only accessible with a Full Ticket.
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Hosting della sala

Alessio Pomaro
Alessio Pomaro
Search On Media Group
Rossella Pivanti
Rossella Pivanti
Roberta Sanzani
Roberta Sanzani
13 jun 12:50 - 13:30
40 min
Artificial Intelligence represents a tremendous opportunity today. An opportunity for creating new services, for the world of work, and for improving the society in which we live. But as always, with great opportunity comes great responsibility, and we must ensure that technology and its widespread use do not create disparities or exacerbate existing ones. Therefore, we will address the issue of gender discrimination perpetuated by AI systems by reviewing some cases from recent years and discussing the underlying motivations behind them.
13 jun 14:20 - 15:00
40 min
In the presentation "Building Meaningful AI," we will explore the processes and principles involved in creating artificial intelligence that not only solves complex problems but also carries social and ethical significance. We'll delve into the integration of human-centric design, the importance of transparency and ethics, and the impact of AI on society, ensuring that the technology we develop is both innovative and responsible.
13 jun 15:00 - 15:20
20 min
AI, Generative AI, and the concept of a copilot are transforming businesses, introducing new jobs and new ways of working, with a focus on Augmentation and Automation. The session will provide an analysis of the expected transformations in the job market. What are the typical applications? What are the essential skills to fully leverage the opportunities offered by AI? How to promote Responsible AI adoption? And what does the European AI Act require in terms of corporate organization?
13 jun 17:00 - 17:40
40 min
Project Management is a discipline to face complexity with efficacy and efficiency, by integrating a structured planning and control approach (using Earned Value and other KPIs) with an effective stakeholder relationship management. GenAI is an effective, innovative and evolutive support to PM, which may operate at different levels (automation, assistance e augmentation), and which requires specific focus on context, data, risks, and techniques of prompt engineering.
13 jun 18:00 - 18:20
20 min
While conventional innovation units aimed to foster progress within an organization, due to the emergence of AI, they appear outpaced, as real innovation is instead being driven by businesses units able to recognize the competitive edge brought by the technology's potential. Consequently, the challenge, then, is to rethink the role of the innovation function in a way that can effectively contribute to the AI-driven transformation, both directly and indirectly.
14 jun 09:20 - 10:00
40 min
The proliferation of artificial intelligences will eliminate many jobs, but will generate value and money in many creative fields. For example, there will be fewer computer and technical professionals, fewer employees in administrative offices, cashiers, and call centers. Conversely, in all professions and sectors, especially for top roles, humanistic skills, interdisciplinary knowledge, and soft skills will be increasingly in demand (and well-paid). The intervention explains how and why women are more capable of navigating these changes.
14 jun 12:20 - 12:40
20 min
In the evolution of artificial intelligence, the term AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) appears more and more frequently. The models are becoming increasingly powerful, but at the same time, they make mistakes that would seem trivial to anyone. What direction is this heading? We will explore this in a journey between innovation and awareness, inside and outside the "black box."
14 jun 12:40 - 13:00
20 min
The global media landscape is rapidly evolving due to continuous technological innovations, revolutionizing every aspect of our daily lives, work, and interpersonal relationships. However, this progress raises concerns about ethical, social, and economic implications, particularly regarding the asymmetry in wealth distribution. The proposal to address these challenges through a conceptual map that integrates technological innovations, wealth distribution, social impacts, and sustainability aims to provide an interconnected view of contemporary challenges. It seeks to imagine a new paradigm in which participation in network dynamics generates shared value, avoiding a drain of resources from the physical world to the virtual world
14 jun 14:00 - 14:20
20 min
2024 is the year where AI leaps from curiosity to action, transforming our creative landscape. Discover AI as more than a tool-it's a creative partner that unlocks new doors to innovation. With Multimodal AI, dive into writing, designing, and animating like never before, and embrace AI collaboration that amplifies your productivity. Join us for a groundbreaking journey into AI-driven marketing and witness the fusion of AI and human ingenuity, crafting a future that's not just envisioned but actively shaped by us. Be part of this evolution where possibilities are limitless and creativity knows no bounds.
14 jun 14:20 - 14:40
20 min
This session will go beyond exaggerations to shed light on how to make AI practical and usable. The presentation will show concrete examples that demonstrate how to prepare for the effective and responsible adoption of this increasingly pervasive technology.
14 jun 15:00 - 15:20
20 min
In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, our next generation-"Gen AI"-is poised to navigate an augmented future seamlessly interwoven with artificial intelligence. But are educational institutions ready to equip them? Join AI visionary and former educator Abran Maldonado as he delves into the imperative transformation schools must undergo. This talk will spotlight strategies to synchronize current curriculums with the AI revolution, ensuring Gen Z and Gen Alpha not only adapt but thrive and lead in this augmented tomorrow.
14 jun 15:20 - 15:40
20 min
The world around us is changing before our eyes. Organizations are transforming at an increasingly rapid pace, the engines of economic growth continue to evolve, and technological progress is at a crucial inflection point. But we are just at the beginning: generative AI will continue to impact our lives in ways we are only imagining. In this landscape of radical innovation, the opportunity to lead AI transformation is within reach.
14 jun 17:50 - 18:10
20 min
In the tumultuous landscape of contemporary geopolitics, artificial intelligence emerges as the epicenter of an unprecedented contest. In this intricate scenario of global conflicts and shifting alliances, a crucial question arises: who leads the race for innovation? Who trails behind? And what roles do the European Union and Italy play in this strategic game? Let's delve into the power dynamics and geopolitical impacts in the era of AI. 
14 jun 18:10 - 18:30
20 min
Opportunities and risks tend to comingle in high-risk AI systems. Appropriate governance is essential to mitigate potential harms and achieve ROI objectives. This session is a Master Class in best practices across the entire procurement lifecycle -- to identify risks, develop practical mitigation strategies, and implement reasonable risk controls -- to ensure we purchase and deploy safe and responsible AI systems that deliver on their claims and promises.
15 jun 09:20 - 09:40
20 min
15 jun 09:40 - 10:00
20 min
This talk aims to provide a brief introduction to Quantum Computing, explaining why it is necessary to overcome the limits of classical computer science, highlighting the differences between ordinary bits and quantum bits and providing an overview of some possible use cases of interest in AI applied to the financial services sector.
15 jun 10:20 - 10:40
20 min
We will explore the world of predictive and behavioral consumer analysis, uncovering how data, combined with AI and machine learning, is revolutionizing how businesses understand, anticipate, and influence purchasing decisions. Through practical examples and case studies, we will highlight how predictive analysis can not only forecast future trends but also personalize the user experience in real-time, thereby optimizing digital marketing strategies.

15 jun 10:40 - 11:00
20 min
Anthropomorphic and humanoid robotics are becoming more and more like human beings, as are digital avatars. Thanks to artificial intelligence, their way of relating to us will become more and more indistinguishable from the way human beings relate to each other. This is a 'Turing test' of a higher level, and we will slowly begin to attribute to machines (physical or digital) feelings similar to ours, with very interesting implications on a technical, marketing and social level. This will lead machines to simulate states of consciousness and affection, and will lead humans to develop affection and love for them as well, with questions that we will have to start answering. For example: can a machine have civil rights? Can it be directly responsible for the things it does? Can it be the object of a human being's love or the subject of that love itself? There will then be a new type of 'product' that will take a special place in our lives, a road entirely to be explored.
15 jun 13:40 - 14:20
40 min
The paradox of Artificial Intelligence is that we are talking about a revolutionary yet inherently imperfect technology. However, the flaws of AI are not a limitation but the key to its potential. AI, being a human creation, reflects our own imperfections, and this characteristic can drive innovation and growth. That's why we must embrace imperfection and see AI in a new light, highlighting how the symbiosis between humans and machines can lead to a future where the imperfections of both complement each other.
15 jun 14:20 - 14:40
20 min
Umberto Basso presents the use of AI in advertising, illustrating how the AKQ teams have experimented with various applications of AI, from inventing new sports to innovative advertising campaigns. He explains the AI-supported creative process to enhance innovation, efficiency, or effectiveness of the results, using an approach based on breaking down processes into "Diamonds". 
15 jun 14:40 - 15:00
20 min
In the era of multimodal AI, what scenarios are emerging in the future of work? In this talk, we explore how to move from hype to practice, analyzing trends and seeing how to leverage new processes and growth opportunities at both individual and company levels: non-linear career paths, 'exponential' and decentralized organizations.