Content Marketing

Room Hosting

Fabio Stabile
Fabio Stabile
Founder and CEO
Alex Bianchi
Alex Bianchi
Co-Founder | Giornalista
Retorica Comunicazione
Flavius Florin Harabor
Flavius Florin Harabor
Consulente web marketing
Davide Mascetti
Davide Mascetti
Consulente di Web Marketing
Web Marketing Consultant
13 jun 08:30

Apertura & Accreditamento // Welcoming & Accreditation

14 jun 08:30

Apertura & Accreditamento // Welcoming & Accreditation

15 jun 08:30

Apertura & Accreditamento // Welcoming & Accreditation

13 jun 12:50 - 13:30
40 min
Generative AI is changing - also - how we do and will do content marketing. What organizational choices will allow entrepreneurs and marketing managers to continue leveraging content to generate sales and satisfied customers? What are the most significant impacts for companies investing in content? During this speech, I present the main transformations and five lines of action to continue achieving a return on investment in content
13 jun 14:20 - 15:00
40 min
Social media and SEO as parallel universes? That's a thing of the past. In a "messy" digital world with increasingly innovative search intents, how can we develop communication that isn't self-referential but answers the real questions of users? Here's what you'll see in this speech: methods, ideas, and suggestions for work based on a multi-touchpoint analysis and a brandformance approach between SEO and content.
13 jun 17:00 - 17:40
40 min
In this speech, we will analyze the rules for structuring storytelling in short timeframes that adhere to the grammar of social media channels, suitable for communication during events and product and service productions.