Book Presentation

Room Hosting

Americo Bazzoffia
Americo Bazzoffia
CEO & Consulente Scientifico Nazionale
Eskogito Srls & CNEL
Cinzia Pilo
Cinzia Pilo
Social Impact Organizations Manager & Founder, Writer
Angela Deganis
Angela Deganis
CMO, Journalist, Speaker, Author
16 jun 08:30 - 20:00

Area Expo

17 jun 08:30 - 18:00

Area Expo

15 jun 10:30 - 10:50

Opening Ceremony WMF 2023 on the Mainstage

15 jun 08:30 - 20:00

Networking, B2B meetings, Job Placement

16 jun 08:30 - 20:00

Networking, B2B meetings, Job Placement

15 jun 10:30 - 12:20

First Mainstage Session

15 jun 08:30 - 20:00

Area Expo

15 jun 14:30 - 16:10

Second Mainstage Session

17 jun 11:00

Gravity - Human Flying Show

15 jun 19:10 - 20:20

Third Mainstage Session

17 jun 08:30 - 18:00

Networking, B2B meetings, Job Placement

16 jun 16:40

Startup Competition Final on the Mainstage

17 jun 16:30 - 17:50

Second Mainstage Session

16 jun 11:10 - 13:10

First Mainstage Session

16 jun 15:20 - 17:10

Second Mainstage Session

17 jun 11:40 - 13:30

First Mainstage Session

16 jun 11:40 - 12:00

Guest of Honor Tim Berners-Lee on the Mainstage

15 jun 20:30 - 22:00

Dargen D'Amico Concert on the Mainstage

16 jun 18:10 - 19:20

Third Mainstage Session

17 jun 18:00

Closing Ceremony on the Mainstage

15 jun 12:40 - 13:00
20 min
One of the leading experts in landing pages (Luca Orlandini) and one of the leading experts in funnels (Stefano De Carlo) discuss the "Illustrated Manual of Funnels" to understand the inseparable relationship between "landing and takeoff" in digital marketing. A technical talk in which the author (De Carlo) and the foreword writer (Orlandini) try to clarify the need to integrate the right automations into every strategy.
Moderated by Luca Orlandini.
15 jun 13:00 - 13:20
20 min
15 jun 13:40 - 14:00
20 min
The Net has always created extraordinary personal and professional development opportunities for individuals and businesses. eCommerce represents one of the greatest growth opportunities available to companies and professionals. Lawyer Antonino Polimeni and Albert Antonini, Marketing Director of Alibaba Group, in presenting their books, Legal eCommerce and eCommerce Marketing tell us about the rules governing it and the marketing necessary to decree the success of any online store.
15 jun 14:00 - 14:20
20 min
Turning facts into stories, telling and engaging is the central goal of any marketing activity. What are the strategies for becoming great storytellers? How to develop them to create a trusting relationship with those who read or listen? It is stories that create narrative universes where brand values and consumer values meet. Because you can no longer buy attention, you can only try to build trust that lasts. Cristiano Carriero, co-author with Bernadette Jiwa for The Secrets of Great Storytellers, and Elizabeth Gelfi, author of At the Root of Storytelling, take us through this discourse on storytelling skills in pursuit of emotion.
15 jun 16:20 - 16:40
20 min
An innovative journey, for all those people looking for new opportunities, paths and strategies in the world of work. Between tools, platforms, personal branding, e-learning experiences, abroad and remote working possibilities. With in-depth look at startups as job opportunities.