E-commerce Festival

At WMF a Festival entirely dedicated to the E-commerce world

4 · 5 · 6 JUNE 2025 / BOLOGNAFIERE

The numbers of WMF 2024
Startups & Investors
Institutional Guests
Bands & DJs

Education - Exhibition Area - Recruitment

For its upcoming edition, on June 4th, 5th, and 6th, 2025, at BolognaFiere, WMF will once again host the E-commerce Festival.

The agenda includes training events, business and networking initiatives, dedicated exhibition areas, and recruitment services for the online sales industry. WMF has always devoted significant space to the e-commerce world, featuring representatives from companies that excel in online commerce both in Italy and internationally.

The WMF - We Make Future exhibition area, an International Fair and Festival focused on AI, Tech, and Digital innovation, will host renowned international e-commerce platforms, payment systems, and comparison sites. In previous editions, we have welcomed companies such as Shopify, Nexi, Amazon, Yith, Transactionale, Trustpilot, Trusted Shops, Zalando, Booking.com, lastminute.com, Lotto, Alitalia, Intrend, luisaviaroma.com, Adidas, and many others.

Discover all the initiatives and events scheduled for the E-commerce Festival!

WMF it's an international certified fair

Discover all the opportunities for your business

Sponsorship opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities

Showcase your e-commerce products and services, organize dedicated events such as internships, hackathons, workshops, and speeches, or enhance your brand visibility through on-site activities at the fair, including personalized slots on the main stage. Choose the solution that best suits your needs!

Book Your Stand
Book Your Stand

Bring your business to the Exhibition Area: every year a dedicated area for innovative e-commerce services where companies can showcase themselves and growing businesses can consult with experts to start their online activity. Book your stand now and secure a high-visibility space.

B2B opportunities
B2B opportunities

Discover how to maximize your business opportunities at the E-commerce Festival: Organize B2B meetings, expand your network and connect with thousands of professionals and key representatives of major industry players. In the last edition, over 700 exhibitors chose WMF.

Other opportunities


Also this year at WMF, there will be training stages dedicated to the world of E-commerce and Customer Engagement: a series of speeches by Italian and international Marketing Managers, Customer and Brand Experts will take turns. Do you want to bring your expertise to WMF? Apply for the Speaker call!

Digital Job Placement
Digital Job Placement

Throughout the three days of the WMF, a recruitment service for industry professionals will be active. The service, which will be available on an online platform in the months leading up to the Festival, will facilitate the meeting between supply and demand in the digital and e-commerce job market.

Startup District
Startup District

The Startup District welcomes and showcases innovative projects from around the world to participants, investors, and major players in the innovation world who attend the WMF each year. Seize all the opportunities for your startup in the Martech and E-commerce sectors: exhibit in the District!

Would you like to participate at the E-commerce Festival?

Please fill out the form and let us know how you would like to participate in the E-commerce Festival.

Our team will review your requests and any proposed collaborations and will contact you to discuss the best ways to participate.

Talking about us

WMF is an official member of

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Cosmano Lombardo intervistato da RTV San Marino

4-5-6 June 2025
WMF - We Make Future

Full Ticket promo offer
a prezzo attuale€+VAT

Events at WMF

AI Global Summit
World Startup Fest
Creators Fest
Open Innovation Fest
Music Fest
eSports & Gaming Fest
Book Fair
Web Marketing Fest
E-commerce Fest
Govtech Summit
Digital Tourism Fest
Research for Future
Innovation Film Fest
WMF Giovani
Future Show
Digital Job Fair