Italian Innovation Valley

Join the WMF innovation ecosystem

Acting since the beginning as an accelerator of innovation, education, and entrepreneurship culture, WMF has built over the years an actual valley of innovation that, from Northern to Southern Italy, brings together companies, startups, NPOs, schools and universities, researching centers, and institutions.

This so-called Italian Innovation Valley represents an open innovation ecosystem, widespread throughout the territory that, with the guidance of WMF, contributes concretely to the country's innovation development.

Over the years, the Valley’s actions have been directed towards the processes of digital transformation, ecological transition, sustainable development, education, inclusion, and social cohesion of the country, without forgetting the importance of supporting the achievement of the Agenda 2030 development goals. Goals such as promoting Made in Italy and affirming the Country as a propulsive center, capable of combining an innovation-forward mindset, with unparalleled tradition and culture. Precisely for their natural convergence with the missions identified by the national government's PNRR - National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the Valley's drive, together with a constant dialogue with institutions, generated new and virtuous connections between government, industry players, and territories.

All the players now part of this coherent ecosystem have actively joined the WMF Innovation Plan: projects, events, and initiatives in the training field, in support of businesses, territories, new generations, women's professional empowerment, and much more. Projects that are implemented throughout the whole year and then brought together during the three-day Festival.

The operating assets of the Valley

Entrepreneurship, startups and innovation

The Valley works in collaboration with several parties in order to promote and enable Digital Innovation processes and make the Italian economic scenario efficient and competitive, in the international market, too. It works to boost Made in Italy ideas and businesses, creating free training and lifelong learning paths for businesses.

  • More than 4,300 startups in the WMF ecosystem

  • more than 40 competitions organized throughout Italy

  • more than 350 partners

  • more than 50 million funds raised by the network

Education, learning and research

The WMF ecosystem engages with initiatives that aim to implement education and learning through digital tools and provide young people with the new skills required by the market. It also works to foster tech transfer and dialogue between the world of research and the world of education, together with businesses and stakeholders from the Innovation sector.

  • More than 10,000 students involved

  • More than 30 universities, schools, courses and hubs

Job market, digital skills & placement

The Valley supports the employment and training of people with initiatives aimed at fostering digital skills enhancement, through educational pathways for students and entrepreneurs, on-site events, and online training, but also through Job Placement initiatives that connect digital job offer and need.

  • More than 1,300 interviews during WMF

  • More than 350 companies with open positions

  • WMF is an Official Member of the Digital Skills and Job Coalition of the European Union

WMF is an Official Member of the Digital Republic

Sustainable development goals & social innovation

The ecosystem implements initiatives throughout Italy aimed at seeking innovative solutions to social issues and the major global challenges identified by the 2030 Agenda, connecting citizens, businesses and economic and social realities. Sustainability & circular economy, inclusion, integration, accessibility, gender equality & women's empowerment, global cooperation and, at the same time, enhancement of local territories are some of the issues focused on. Project partners include:

  • ASI - Italian Space Agency

  • Asvis - Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development

  • IFAB - International Foundation Big Data and AI for Human Development

  • ESA - European Space Agency

  • ENS - National Board for the Deaf

Territories, boroughs and widespread innovation

The Italian Innovation Valley works throughout the year to support territories and local businesses in their innovative development, with training programs about digital, about entrepreneurship and on sustainable development issues. The ecosystem also builds training schools, coworking spaces, and entrepreneurial assistance and consulting quarters for companies and businesses, contributing to the regeneration of multifunctional spaces

  • +45 innovation hubs in Italy

  • more than 40 cities and municipalities involved 

Businesses internationalization and Made in Italy

The Valley works nationally and internationally with the dual objective of promoting Made in Italy abroad and opening up new investment opportunities and international collaborations, too. In this perspective, the initiatives and projects proposed by WMF and implemented with the Italian Innovation Valley throughout the year, support the meeting between Italian and foreign excellence in the fields of innovation, economy, culture, science, and technology.

  • 29 countries involved

  • 5 continents reached

All the projects activated with the Italian Innovation Valley and within it, constitute tools through which our collective action can move forward, broadening its impact on the innovative and sustainable development of the Country.

Among the various projects, special attention is dedicated to the hubs on innovation and sustainability of our HUBitat network, placed in cities and small towns from north to south Italy; to the Italian Roadshow and the International Roadshow, born from the cooperation with Italian territories and foreign countries, aiming to foster innovative startup entrepreneurship and Made in Italy in the world. Of great relevance, also the WMF UniversityRoadshow, a long-standing initiative that brings students from all over Italy closer to digital professions and to the new job market.

Join the Italian Innovation Valley

The Valley represents an open and widespread ecosystem that includes not only large cities or big realities, but also and especially the smaller and remoter ones, turning them into focal hubs of the innovation circuit they become part of.

If you have already joined our projects, initiatives or events you are already part of the Italian Innovation Valley and you can improve your involvement by contacting us. If you have not joined before and you wish to be an active part of this ecosystem, fill out the form to get more information and to find out about all the initiatives and events scheduled.

Join the Italian Innovation Valley: contact us by filling out the form

Want to be part of the WMF Innovation ecosystem?

Fill out the form: we will come back to you, providing all the entry opportunities in the Valley and recommending the best ones according to your goals.

Some of our sponsors and partners

Parlamento Europeo

JUNE 4 · 5 · 6, 2025
WMF - We Make Future

Full Ticket on offer
at 99€+VAT