Call for Short Films

Your short film at WMF - Innovation Film Fest

4 · 5 · 6 JUNE 2025 / BOLOGNAFIERE

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An ode to innovation and cinema: the WMF presents the Innovation Film Fest 2025!

Born in 2020 to celebrate the centenary of Federico Fellini, the WMF brings to the stage the fourth edition of the Innovation Film Fest, an event that blends the magic of cinema with the creative power of innovation. Building on the success of previous editions, the Innovation Film Fest returns in 2025 with a renewed program, prestigious guests and a rich agenda of interventions.

Mark the dates in your calendar: 4, 5 and 6 June 2025, at BolognaFiere, a true celebration of cinema and its infinite possibilities will come to life. With screenings, debates, competitions and round tables, the Innovation Film Fest 2025 is preparing to amaze enthusiasts and professionals in the sector.

Among the initiatives, the Call for Short Films is back again this year: a unique opportunity for creatives from all over the world to see their work valued and rewarded. Through this Call, the WMF supports new artistic projects, looking for short films capable of exploring the transformations of society and telling original stories through an innovative look at culture, poetics and the seventh art.

Do you want to be a protagonist?

The WMF supports the development of new artistic projects and looks for short films that tell the innovations of society and that use an original narration of customs, poetics and the seventh art.

The Call for Short Films is open: fill out the form to apply.


The Call for Short Films represents a great opportunity to give visibility and prominence to your artistic work, helping to broaden the audience of your viewers.

The candidate projects will in fact be viewed by a jury made up of experts in the sector. The winning short films will be screened in front of the WMF audience, a parterre composed of participants present in Bologna, users connected online via the interactive platform, and those who will follow the live social media on all the official accounts of the Festival.

In 2024, the WMF recorded over 70,000 attendees, in addition to +3,000 startups and investors, over 700 exhibitors and 1,000 speakers and guests from 90 countries.

For more information, consult the complete 2025 announcement.

Apply by filling out the formbelow.


Nella valutazione dei progetti proposti all'interno della Call sono predilette opere che trattano la società e le sue innovazioni, che hanno particolare impatto sociale e che si distinguono per impegno civico e attenzione alle questioni di attualità.

Verranno prese in considerazione tematiche come:

  • sostenibilità ambientale,

  • inclusione sociale,

  • immigrazione,

  • tecnologia applicata alla vita quotidiana,

  • legalità,

e in generale opere che hanno utilizzato in maniera poetica e reale l’estetica propria del linguaggio visivo del cinema. Opere inoltre che trattano la trasformazione digitale come linguaggio innovativo basato sulle tematiche sociali.


All short films in digital format with a maximum duration of 12 minutes and made from January 2021 onwards will be admitted. The submitted short film can belong to any genre, e.g. documentary, animation, reportage, docu-fiction, etc.


There will be 3 awards:

  1. Best short

  2. Best actor/actress

  3. Best short film chosen by the public

And other awards will be offered by WMF partners.

If you need any other information, you can write to us at

21 January

Call opens

5 March

Call closes

5 June

Final @ WMF2025
Want to submit your short film?

Fill out the form to submit your short film and participate in the WMF - Innovation Film Fest.

The commission will evaluate all the applications and, at the end of the call, you will receive the outcome.

Insert any attachments
Insert here the signed copy of the documentation provided

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WMF is official member of

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4-5-6 JUNE 2025
WMF - We Make Future

Full Ticket in promo offer
at prezzo attuale€+VAT