Call for Researchers

Present your research project at WMF - We Make Future to an international audience

13 · 14 · 15 JUNE 2024 / BOLOGNAFIERE



Present your work at WMF - Research 4 Future, an event entirely dedicated to the world of scientific research that promotes innovative ideas and projects through training sessions, dedicated calls, and awards for researchers. This year, WMF is relaunching the Call for Researchers: an opportunity for many industry professionals to present their research projects to companies, industry players, investors, and actors in the world of innovation who participate in the event every year.

Scientific research is indeed one of the key sectors of modern society that allows for the constructive development of a sustainable and innovative future. It represents one of the engines of economic and social growth, and it is thanks to scientific research that we can progress in fundamental fields such as medicine, science, physics, biology, engineering, and social sciences.

Thanks to dialogue, partnerships, and collaborations with Italian and international research centres such as CINECA, National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Garr, IFAB Foundation, GIMBE Foundation, Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), European Space Agency (ESA), Italian Space Agency (ASI), WMF aims to encourage Tech Transfer and promote the meeting and sharing of knowledge, so that research can be the compass needle for the near future.


The impact of the health emergency of the last few years has once again underlined the centrality of research as a tool for triggering the development of ideas and solutions able to tackle present and future global challenges. To support this sector, WMF has always promoted and devoted space to research, in Italy and abroad.

Researchers will be able to present their project in front of a targeted international audience, sensitive to technological and non-technological innovation, to which scientific research hugely contributes.

All the applications will be evaluated by our team: the most remarkable projects will be presented to the audience during the three-day Festival.


Here are the 12 areas for which it could be applied:

  1. Aerospace

  2. Agrifood

  3. Cultural heritage

  4. Blue growth

  5. Green chemistry

  6. Design and creativity

  7. Energy

  8. Smart factory

  9. Sustainable mobility

  10. Health

  11. Smart, safe and Inclusive communities

  12. Smart living technologies


WMF has always supported the world of research by hosting Italian and international researchers on its stages every year.

During the two editions of WMF2020 - in June and November - guests such as Andrew McAfee from MIT, Daniele Pucci and Antonio Bicchi from the Italian Institute of Technology, researchers who activated themselves to find innovative solutions during the pandemic, and Patrizio Bianchi (former Scientific Director of IFAB and Minister of Education) intervened. Scholars such as Sandro Fuzzi from CNR, Francesca De Chiara from the Bruno Kessler Foundation, and Antonella Guidazzoli from CINECA also contributed to the educational sessions.

During the 2021 edition, speakers included Sanzio Bassini, Scientific Director of IFAB and Director of the Supercomputing Applications and Innovation Department of the Interuniversity Consortium CINECA, Anna Grassellino, Director of the National Quantum Information Science SQMS Center, Maria Fossati and Paolo Catalani from the Italian Institute of Technology, Nino Cartabellotta, President of the GIMBE Foundation, and Giuseppe Borghi, Head of the Φ-lab Division at ESA - European Space Agency.

Furthermore, a vertical stage dedicated to "Research For Future" was set up, where representatives of INFN, Big Data Association, INDIRE, INGV, ENEA, INFN, CINECA, GARR, and others shared their research projects.

The 2022 edition saw the participation of prominent figures in the research world such as Federico Faggin, Inventor of the Intel 4004 Microprocessor, Giorgio Metta and Daniele Pucci from the Italian Institute of Technology, Pierre Philippe Mathieu, Head of the Φ-lab Explore Office at ESA - European Space Agency, Bojan Jerbić from FSB University of Zagreb, Angelo Zinzi from ASI - Italian Space Agency.

During the latest WMF, ample space was given to AI and its applications in the biomedical field, big data, and robotics with the presence of personalities such as Jerry Kaplan, David Hanson, and Agnieszka Wykowska, but also to the impact that new technologies are having on the world of work and society in general, with the participation of the inventor of the world wide web, sir. Tim Berners-Lee, the world-renowned sociologist Manuel Castells, the president of Cineca Francesco Ubertini, and many others.

It is from these premises that WMF also launched the Call for Researchers for 2024, an initiative aimed at valorizing the most innovative research projects in Italy and around the world.

JUNE 4 · 5 · 6, 2025
WMF - We Make Future

Full Ticket on offer
at 99€+VAT