Future of Music
Sanremo Edition

The startup competition of WMF - We Make Future at Sanremo


La call will close the 24/01

The numbers of the Startup & Innovation Ecosystem of the WMF


The Context

WMF - We Make Future launches the call for the Startup Competition "Future Of Music" - Sanremo Edition, a competition dedicated to all the startups that are bringing innovation to the world of music. Together with its partners Casa Sanremo, Casa Sanremo Invest, Immediate Accelerator and billboard Italia, in the unique setting of the Sanremo Festival (from 10 to 15 February, in Sanremo), the WMF wants to give space to an opportunity to discover and support the most promising ideas that use tech and digital innovation to revolutionize music, music production, distribution and the listener experience.

The WMF has always supported innovative entrepreneurial projects, through the World Startup Fest - the international reference event for startups, scaleups and investors: in the last edition it recorded over 70,000 attendees from 90 countries and more than 3,000 startups, investors, incubators, VCs, Business Angels, corporates and accelerators.

Not only that: the WMF has always been committed to supporting and promoting the music sector, through initiatives dedicated to emerging bands, young artists and, last but not least, through a program of concerts and live performances within the WMF Music Fest that has seen the participation of artists such as Dardust, Manuel Agnelli, GAIA, Irama, Dargen D'Amico, Roy Paci and many others.

The call for the Startup Competition "Future Of Music" - Sanremo Edition is officially open, the winners will have the opportunity to participate in the WMF 2025 (4 - 6 June BolognaFiere), present themselves within the Startup District and participate in B2B meetings with investors and VCs.

Fill out the form by January 24 to nominate your startup.

The Opportunities

From the call for the startup competition "Future Of Music", the 4 finalist startups are selected that will access the Final on February 15, at the Palafiori di Casa Sanremo, during the week of the Sanremo Festival, to win the prizes, in front of an audience of investors, accelerators, operators in the sector and stakeholders who operate in the music market.

The selected startups have the opportunity to:

  1. Introduce themselves to a Competent and Industry Audience:

    Thanks to an audience composed of investors, leading companies in the sector and participants who gravitate around an annual event of national and international importance, the Sanremo Festival

  2. Live a unique networking experience during the week of the Sanremo Festival:

    Thanks to the WMF business community composed of investors, VCs, open innovation stakeholders, entrepreneurs and potential commercial partners with whom it will be easy to connect during and after the event.

  3. Gain Wide Visibility:

    The involved startups are in the spotlight of a wide audience and receive the attention of media, influencers and industry operators

  4. Compete for Awards and Recognitions:

    Thanks to access to exclusive resources such as potential funding, acceleration programs and strategic partnerships.

  5. Follow events and initiatives inside Casa Sanremo:

    Thanks to the Casa Sanremo program, you can listen to debates, speeches and case studies by companies and stakeholders in the MusicTech sector and beyond

  6. Access the WMF - International Fair on AI, Tech & Digital Innovation:

with a desk in the Startup District and the possibility of participating in B2B Meetings with investors and VCs from all over the world

Among the winners of the previous editions of the WMF Competitions are TOMMI, Friendz, PatchAI, FitPrime, Isaac, Yape, lightScience, FlowPay, Recornea, MyLeg, Golee, AerariumChain, Yalla, Cyrkl and the two winning projects of the WMF2024 Startup Competition: Basetrack and Intuos.PresPres

The Selection Criteria

The call is dedicated to Italian and foreign startups and companies composed of teams with innovative projects or ideas in the music sector.

  • The candidate projects are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Team skills, knowledge of the sector, feasibility of the project;

  • Stage of development of the product/service;

  • Degree of innovation and defensibility of the same;

  • Integration of Artificial Intelligence and its scalability in the project;

  • Competitive context and positioning;

  • Respondence to the needs of the market and customers and size of the same;

  • Business potential of the idea;

  • Completeness of the documentation presented.

The Structure of the Call

Il Team Innovation del WMF annuncerà le 4 startup finaliste, scelte tra quelle italiane e internazionali, che presenteranno il proprio pitch in occasione della Finale del 15 febbraio presso Casa Sanremo, durante la settimana del Festival di Sanremo. Durante la finale, le startup selezionate presenteranno il proprio progetto di fronte alla giuria composta da investitori, player di settore e incubatori, e al pubblico presente al Palafiori di Casa Sanremo.

Ogni team avrà 3 minuti di tempo per presentare gli elementi chiave della propria idea. La giuria avrà poi altri 2 minuti per formulare domande di approfondimento. Al termine, giurati e pubblico esprimeranno il proprio voto per decretare i due vincitori, quello scelto dalla giuria e quello scelto dal pubblico.

>Read the Instructions

The Pitch

Startup Competition's timeline

Closing the call
Final event in Sanremo, Palafiori
4 - 6 /06
Participation at WMF - We Make Future

Apply for call "Future Of Music"

and bring your innovative startup at Sanremo

Fill out the form and attach the requested material: the WMF innovation team will analyze your application and give you feedback in the coming months.





Enter the telephone area code of your country
Attention: other formats will not be received correctly
(executive summary, business plan, one pager. Pdf, ppt, pptx, doc, docx only - max 10mb)

La startup competition internazionale del WMF è aperta

Anche quest'anno il WMF - We Make Future organizza la startup competition: la più grande competizione internazionale per startup.

L'iniziativa, giunta alla 13^ edizione registra ogni anno migliaia di candidature da tutto il mondo e riunisce a Bologna investitori, VC, incubatori e Business Angels internazionali. La finale della Competition, che coinvolge 6 startup tra italiane e internazionali, si disputerà sul Mainstage durante il WMF 2025, in programma il 4, 5 e 6 giugno presso BolognaFiere, e sarà trasmessa in streaming in tutto il mondo. Nel 2024 sono stati coinvolti al WMF oltre 3.000 tra startup e open innovation stakeholder internazionali.

La call è aperta ed è possibile candidarsi entro il 5/03.

Il WMF è parte del network Invitalia

Con il supporto di:

Riguarda i pitch delle passate edizioni

Finale Competition - BaseTrack Pitch

Finale Competition - BaseTrack Pitch

Finale Competition - Intuos Pitch

Finale Competition - Intuos Pitch

Finale Competition - Necture Pitch

Finale Competition - Necture Pitch

Finale Competition - ResilientX Pitch

Finale Competition - ResilientX Pitch

Finale Competition - Barin Sports Pitch

Finale Competition - Barin Sports Pitch

Finale Competition - Devengo Pitch

Finale Competition - Devengo Pitch

Yalla vince il premio della Giuria

Yalla vince il premio della Giuria

Cyrkl vince il premio del pubblico

Cyrkl vince il premio del pubblico

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

Golee vince il premio della Giuria

Golee vince il premio della Giuria

Aerariumchain vince il premio del pubblico

Aerariumchain vince il premio del pubblico

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

La Finale della Startup Competition

Yape vince il premio del pubblico alla Startup Competition del WFM2020-Giugno

Yape vince il premio del pubblico alla Startup Competition del WFM2020-Giugno

Tutti i pitch della finale del WMF Online

Tutti i pitch della finale del WMF Online

Ventur vince il premio del pubblico alla Startup Competition del WMF 2019

Ventur vince il premio del pubblico alla Startup Competition del WMF 2019

PatchAI™ vince il premio della giuria alla Startup Competition del WMF 2019

PatchAI™ vince il premio della giuria alla Startup Competition del WMF 2019

Fitprime vince il premio della Giuria e del Pubblico alla Startup Competition del WMF 2018

Fitprime vince il premio della Giuria e del Pubblico alla Startup Competition del WMF 2018

Watly vince il premio della giuria alla Startup Competition del WMF 2017

Watly vince il premio della giuria alla Startup Competition del WMF 2017

Tommi vince il premio Aruba alla Startup Competition del WMF 2017

Tommi vince il premio Aruba alla Startup Competition del WMF 2017

Just Knock vince la Startup Competition del WMF 2016

Just Knock vince la Startup Competition del WMF 2016

Friendz vince la Startup Competition del WMF 2015

Friendz vince la Startup Competition del WMF 2015

WMF Innovation Ecosystem