WMF opens the call for Big Data and Quantum Computing to support scientific research and to reaffirm its prominence in the country's economic and cultural growth. If you are a researcher in this field, WMF is the ideal opportunity to share your expertise in front of one of Europe's largest communities on digital innovation: you will be presenting your research project inside an international fair, which last year registered over 36,000 attendees, more than 300 companies, 1,000 startups, 700 speakers and 300 investors.
As of today, big data management is a collective priority, estimated to be affecting nearly 70 percent of digital companies by 2023. However, it demands the deployment of massive computing resources and the constant development of new technology solutions. WMF - International Trade Fair and Festival on Tech and Digital Innovation - acts as an accelerator, awarding projects that are useful for developing such solutions, useful in industrial and scientific research contexts, and consequently pivotal for creating a better collective future.
The purpose of the call is to attract innovative projects related to the Big Data and Quantum Computing macro areas. WMF is looking for applications and solutions that use HPC computational methods, big data analytics, and cloud and edge computing workflow, and that can have multiple applications. Projects based on quantum computing methods will also be evaluated.
The best projects will be selected by the WMF scientific committee, and presented during the 2023 edition. The Festival is an unparalleled opportunity to get in contact with companies, investors, and industry players who are receptive to the best solutions in tech.
The Call for Big Data and Quantum Computing is currently open. Want to know more about how to participate? Fill out the form below.
WMF- We Make Future's commitment to the matter has been ongoing for years, featuring events and initiatives such as Research4Future, the Big Data and AI Award, as well as collaborations, partnerships, talks, and activities in support of research, involving contact persons and researchers from Italian eminences in the technology field such as IFAB, Cineca, INFN, GARR, IIT, Tecnopolo di Bologna, and several universities and research centers investigating the impact of Big Data and Quantum Computing on society, as the topic keeps gaining more traction globally.
During the past editions renowned speakers have shown their research and contributed to drawing a sketch of the current state of the art, such as Federico Faggin, Pierre Philippe Mathieu, Luciano Floridi, Anna Grassellino, Sanzio Bassini, Giorgio Metta, and many others.
The Big Data and Quantum Computing call ascribes to the events dedicated to the world of scientific and technological research, promoted all year round by WMF.
Fill out the form below: our team will review your application, and give you feedback once the call is officially closed.
JUNE 4 · 5 · 6, 2025
WMF - We Make Future