AI4EO Call

Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation

JUNE 15 · 16 · 17, 2023 / RIMINI FIERA

The call is currently closed





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WMF, in partnership with Esa - European Space Agency, set up the AI4EO Call, to support current and new applications of Artificial Intelligence in Aerospace and Earth Observation, to highlight the importance of these sectors for the economic and cultural development and the protection of terrestrial ecosystems.

If you are a researcher, own a startup or a company within this field, WMF is the right opportunity to share your expertise within one of the largest international communities on digital innovation: you will be able to illustrate your project within the context of an international fair that last year recorded over 36,000 attendees from 49 countries, over 300 companies, 1,000 startups, 700 speakers and 300 investors.

The call is born from the collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA), which is currently working on enhancing a system of satellites around the Earth to better monitor climate and environmental variations, to protect Earth's ecosystems.

The call is currently closed.


The aim of the call is to promote and implement AI applications for Earth Observation in order to develop useful solutions for the scientific sector and society as a whole, creating new job and business opportunities. The best projects will be selected by the committee composed of representatives from WMF and ESA and will have the opportunity to access the international networks of the two entities. Furthermore, there are two opportunities offered by ESA at stake for the best startups:

  • access to the EO Commercialization days event and participation in its pitch event.

  • access to business and technical coaching on EO.

The award ceremony will be held during WMF 2023, scheduled on June 15-17 at the Rimini Expo Centre, where the finalists will have the opportunity to connect with companies, investors, and industry players, including ASI, IFAB, Cineca, INFN, GARR, IIT, Tecnopolo di Bologna, who are attentive and proactive towards the best solutions in the AI field.


The call has been designed to involve all entities offering innovative solutions in the AI and Big Data field in the scientific or business sector, starting from the Idea stage of development. Products or services capable of enhancing the dynamics of collection, processing, and utilization of large amounts of data from the international satellite system will be valued. Projects that utilize AI and its components, such as Machine Learning and Automated Reasoning, in applications that are functional for the processing of large amounts of data to favour the monitoring and care of the terrestrial ecosystem are of interest.

The AI4EO Call for WMF 2023 is currently closed.


The call is dedicated to Italian and international startups and businesses - composed of individuals or teams - with innovative projects or ideas in the technology and digital sector. In addition, particular interest is given to innovative projects aimed at generating a positive impact on territories and societies. The candidate projects are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Team skills, industry knowledge, and project feasibility;

  • Product/service development stage;

  • Degree of innovation and defensibility;

  • Competitive context and positioning;

  • Alignment with market and customer needs and size;

  • Potential for idea development in research or business;

  • Completeness of the presented documentation.

Partner and Investors of the Startup Competition

Partners and companies at WMF

Some members of the Startup Competition jury

Daniele Alberti

Daniele Alberti

Serial entrepreneur - StarBoost 
Anna Amati

Anna Amati

Co-Founder & General Partner - EUREKA! Venture
Alessandro Asaro

Alessandro Asaro

Head of Communication and Digital Marketing - PoliHub
Kamen Bankovski

Kamen Bankovski

Founder of Vitosha Venture Partners
Daniele Beneduce

Daniele Beneduce

Deal Flow Manager - SeedUp
Pasquale Brancaccio

Pasquale Brancaccio

General Manager - Incubatore Campano
Massimo Canducci

Massimo Canducci

Chief Innovation Officer - Engineering
Rinaldo Canzi

Rinaldo Canzi

Investment Manager - Fondazione Social Venture GDA
Sebastian Caputo

Sebastian Caputo

Project Manager & CEO - 012Factory
Emanuele Caronia

Emanuele Caronia

Serial Entrepreneur & Investor - Exelab
Alberto Carrai

Alberto Carrai

Chief Internetional Business Developement - Able Tech
Fabio Carrera

Fabio Carrera

CEO - SerenDPT - H3
Michele Castorina

Michele Castorina

Vittorio Cavani

Vittorio Cavani

Partner and Board Member - NextUp
Massimo Ciaglia

Massimo Ciaglia

CEO - Grownnectia
Giorgio Ciron

Giorgio Ciron

Director - Innovup
Jonathan Clarke

Jonathan Clarke

Startup Program Leader - OVHcloud
Silvia Costantino

Silvia Costantino

Program Analyst & Operations - B4I Bocconi for Innovation
Andrea Dal Piaz

Andrea Dal Piaz

Manager - Dock3 - The Starup Lab
Lorenzo D'Amelio

Lorenzo D'Amelio

CEO - Merakyn | Startup Advisor
Federico Davini

Federico Davini

Partner e investment board - A11 Venture
Giovanni De Caro

Giovanni De Caro

Strategic and financial advisor - Volano Group
Francesco De Grazia

Francesco De Grazia

Service Manager - FoolFarm
Simone Demelas

Simone Demelas

Director - Founder Boost Italy
Gijs Den Hartog

Gijs Den Hartog

Partner at Capital Mills
Francesco Di Blasio

Francesco Di Blasio

Deal Flow Manager - BIZPLACE
Maria Laura Di Carlo

Maria Laura Di Carlo

Innovation and Start up Advisor - Le Village
Jacopo Drudi

Jacopo Drudi

Investment Manager - United Ventures
Selvaggia Fagioli

Selvaggia Fagioli

Business Angel - A4W
Lorenzo Ferrara

Lorenzo Ferrara

President & Coordinator - Business Angels Network "BAN Firenze"
Davide Filiaggi

Davide Filiaggi

Operations Manager Hubble Acceleration Program - Nana Bianca
Donata Folesani

Donata Folesani

Head of the Innovation Finance Unit - ART-ER
Dima Foremnyi

Dima Foremnyi

General Partner
3X Capital
Adam Formanek

Adam Formanek

Startup Coach & Program Manager at BHT Berlin
Eugenia Forte

Eugenia Forte

Senior Program Manager of Takeoff Accelerator - Takeoff Plugnplay
Francesco Fullone

Francesco Fullone

Director - Founder Institute Italy
Gianluca Galgano

Gianluca Galgano

EY Italy Head of Startup and Venture Capital - EY
Martin Garaj

Martin Garaj

VC Associate J&T Ventures
Dror Gill

Dror Gill

Founder & CEO of Gamdala
Michele Giordani

Michele Giordani

Managing Partner & Founder - Gellify
Roberto Giuliani

Roberto Giuliani

Incubator Manager - LazioInnova
Alberto Giusti

Alberto Giusti

Entrepreneur & Strategy Consultant - Guanxi
Petra Gordan

Petra Gordan

Managing Partner Impulse Ventures
Mariano Guzzetta

Mariano Guzzetta

Manager in Innovation e Open Innovation
Pasquale Brancaccio

Pasquale Brancaccio

General Manager
Incubatore Campano
Itai Green

Itai Green

Founder & CEO Innovate Israel
Giorgio Guidi

Giorgio Guidi

Founder & CEO - The Hive CoWorking & Incubator
Antti Heikkilä

Antti Heikkilä

CEO of Acceler8 Venture Builder
Peter Helesic

Peter Helesic

Managing Partner Danube Angels
Piero Ingrosso

Piero Ingrosso

VP - AlmaVicoo | Head of Innovation and Communication - Legacoop Bologna
Francesco Inguscio

Francesco Inguscio

CEO & Rainmaker - Rainmakers
Peter Kruger

Peter Kruger

President - AgriFood Italia
Caragh Kennedy

Caragh Kennedy

Business Development Manager
Hubspot for Startups
Loris Lanzellotti

Loris Lanzellotti

CEO - Enrtrepreniston
Eric Larsen

Eric Larsen

Senior Deal Flow Manager - LVENTURE
Adriano La Vopa

Adriano La Vopa

Co-Founder - Ain't A Game
Michele Lia

Michele Lia

Portofolio Manager - B-heroes
Laura Loprieno

Laura Loprieno

CEO - Dynamo
Michele Lorubio

Michele Lorubio

Startup program specialist - Almacube
Ivan Maltsev

Ivan Maltsev

General Partner
3X Capital
Alex Marchesini

Alex Marchesini

CEO - Planet Smart City
Vanessa Mazzei

Vanessa Mazzei

Project Leader - G-Factor, Fondazione Golinelli
Massimiliano Montefusco

Massimiliano Montefusco

General Manager - RDS
Negar Mokkaram

Negar Mokkaram

Business Analyst & Startup Scouting - I3P
Adib Mouchanan

Adib Mouchanan

Partner Manager - HubSpot in Italia
Luiza Nowacka

Luiza Nowacka

CVC Investment Specialist at Alior Bank
Andrea Parmeggiani

Andrea Parmeggiani

Manager - Fondazione Rei , Tech Up Accelerator
Francesca Picasso

Francesca Picasso

Project Manager of Football Data Analyst course - Wylab
Adriana Piccitto

Adriana Piccitto

Associate - Indaco
Enrico Poli

Enrico Poli

Director - Zanichelli Venture
Valentina Primo

Valentina Primo

Founder & CEO at Startup Without Borders
Wyktoria Przybylska

Wyktoria Przybylska

Startup Advisor
Bill Reichert

Bill Reichert

Entrepreneur & Venture Capitalist, Partner at Pegasus Tech Ventures
Sabrina Ricci

Sabrina Ricci

AI Ecosystem Manager Φ-lab - ESA
Enzo Rimedio

Enzo Rimedio

Digital PR Manager - Digital Coach
Gabriele Ronchini

Gabriele Ronchini

Founder & Managing Director - Digital Magics
Gilad Rosenzweig

Gilad Rosenzweig

Executive Director
Luca Ruggeri

Luca Ruggeri

Advisor and head of the Open Innovation Club - Associazione Roma Startup
Vittoria San Pietro

Vittoria San Pietro

Head of Innovation Startup Mug- Emill Banca Credito Cooperativo
Leonardo Saroni

Leonardo Saroni

Operational Partner - Prana Ventures
Alessandro Sartorelli

Alessandro Sartorelli

Senior Innovation Consultant - H-Farm
Luca Schettino

Luca Schettino

Jr Venture Builder - PoliHub
Alessandra Scotti

Alessandra Scotti

Institutional Relations & Scouting Manager - Liftt
Tomasz Serwan

Tomasz Serwan

Head of RBL VC
Drazen Simicevic

Drazen Simicevic

CEE Sr Strategic Partnerships Manager
Federico Smanio

Federico Smanio

CEO - Wylab | Program Director - WeSportUp
Andrea Solimene

Andrea Solimene

CEO & CoFounder - Seedble
Giusy Stanziola

Giusy Stanziola

Vice President - Unicredit Start Lab | Founders* Club
Giovanni Strocchi

Giovanni Strocchi

Senior screening committee member - IAG
Camila Tellez

Camila Tellez

Operations Manager - Motor Valley Accelerator
Anna Testa

Anna Testa

Product Sales Specialist Digitalization Italy - CISCO
Emanuele Torlonia

Emanuele Torlonia

Managing Partner&Investor - Eden Venutres
Alberico Tremigliozzi

Alberico Tremigliozzi

Founder & CEO - Re2N
Carlo Tursi

Carlo Tursi

Independent advisor and angel investor, CEO - UrbanV
Francesca Valobra

Francesca Valobra

Sales & Business Developer - Back to Work
Douglas Wong

Douglas Wong

Founder of Blackfire
Petro Yanytsky

Petro Yanytsky

Sr Investment Analyst
3X Capital
Taras Yavorskyy

Taras Yavorskyy

General Partner
3X Capital
Enrico Zanotti

Enrico Zanotti

Director of the Scientific Technical Committee - San Marino Innovation
Danila Zammitti

Danila Zammitti

Open innovation program manager - Cariplo Factory
Lorenzo Zatini

Lorenzo Zatini

Ecosystem Marketing Manager - Qonto
Emanuele Zingale

Emanuele Zingale

Head of TIM open innovation program
Ilaria Navoni

Ilaria Navoni

Startup Program Manager Southern Europe
Martina Muggiri

Martina Muggiri

Startup Acceleration Program Manager
Claudia Del Monte

Claudia Del Monte

Investment Analyst
Michela Michilli

Michela Michilli

Head of ESA Bic Lazio & Technology TransferLazio Innova
Alessandro Zerbetto

Alessandro Zerbetto

Senior Analyst - Ecosystem Partnership & Open Innovation
Luca Iaia

Luca Iaia

Premio Cambiamenti CNA
Francesco Cracolici

Francesco Cracolici

Venture Partner at EBRD & Crossfund, Ceo at Nomadic Minds
Cross Fund
Ivan Stoyka

Ivan Stoyka

Investment Analyst at 3X Capital

Watch the trailer for the final Startup Competition


Past editions of WMF